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Collection: Books
928 items matched search criteria. Listing all items:
- Predicting the Eclipse: A Multimillennium Tale of Computation
- What Is ChatGPT Doing ... and Why Does It Work?
- The Second Law: Resolving the Mystery of the Second Law of Thermodynamics
- Query: Getting Information from Data with the Wolfram Language
- An Elementary Introduction to the Wolfram Language, Third Edition
- Using Mathematica for Quantum Mechanics: A Student's Manual
- Introduction to Calculus: A Computational Approach
- Introduction to Machine Learning
- Signals, Systems, and Signal Processing: A Computational Approach
- Twenty Years of A New Kind of Science
- Metamathematics: Foundations & Physicalization
- The Math(s) Fix: An Education Blueprint for the AI Age
- A New Kind of Science
- A Project to Find the Fundamental Theory of Physics
- Adventures of a Computational Explorer
- Программирование: Maple или Mathematica? (Programming: Maple or Mathematica?)
- COMBINATORS: A Centennial View
- 学生が学ぶMathematica入門 (Introduction to Mathematica for Students)
- 発生の数理
- 電気工学のための Mathematica活用法(上) (How to Utilize Mathematica in the Field of Electrical Engineering)
- ΕΥΚΛΕΙΔΕΙΑ ΟΙΚΟΝΟΜΙΚΑ: Η Γενική Μέθοδος Κατασκευής και Εφαρμογής Οικονομικών Μοντέλων
- Εισαγωγή στο Mathematica (Introduction to Mathematica)
- Μαθηματικά και Προγραμματισμός στο Mathematica
- Addendum to Mathematica Book 3
- Advanced Calculus Explored: With Applications in Physics, Chemistry, and Beyond
- Advanced Calculus Using Mathematica: Notebook Edition Version 2.0
- Advanced Engineering Mathematics
- Advanced Engineering Mathematics with Mathematica
- Advanced Topics in Finite Element Analysis of Structures: With Mathematica and Matlab Computations
- Advanced Tutorials for the Biomedical Sciences: Animations, Simulations, and Calculations Using Mathematica
- Algebra Abstracta: Planteamiento y resolución de problemas con Mathematica
- Algebra and Trigonometry
- Algebra lineal apoyada con Mathematica
- Algebra Lineal: Planteamiento y resolución de problemas con Mathematica
- ALGEBRA MATRICIAL con MATHEMATICA. Ejercicios resueltos
- Algebra och analys med Mathematica
- Algebra: A Computational Introduction
- Algebraic Geodesy and Geoinformatics, second edition
- The Algorithm Design Manual
- The Algorithm Design Manual, second edition
- Algorithmen von Hammurapi bis Gödel: Mit Beispielen aus den Computeralgebrasystemen Mathematica und Maxima, 4 Auflage
- Algorytmy Planowania Exsperymentu z implementacjami w ´srodowisku Mathematica
- Analysis with Mathematica, Volume 1: Single Variable Calculus
- Analysis with Mathematica, Volume 1: Single Variable Calculus
- Analysis with Mathematica: Volume 2: Multi-variable Calculus
- Analysis with Mathematica: Volume 3: Differential Geometry, Differential Equations, and Special Functions
- Analyzing Narratives in Social Networks
- Animating Calculus, Second Edition
- Animating Calculus: Mathematica Notebooks for the Laboratory (Japanese translation)
- Animation mit Mathematica
- Anton Vamplew's Stargazing Secrets
- Applied Differential Equations: The Primary Course
- Applied Electronic Engineering with Mathematica
- Applied Engineering Mathematics
- Applied Holography: A Practical Mini-Course
- Applied Laplace Transforms and z-Transforms for Scientists and Engineers: A Computational Approach using a Mathematica Package
- Applied Linear Analysis for Chemical Engineers: A Multi-scale Approach with Mathematica
- Applied Mathematica: Getting Started, Getting It Done
- Applied Mathematical Softwares: Mathematica
- Applied Numerical Analysis with Mathematica
- Approximation and Antenna and Filter Synthesis, Some Moduli in Programming Environment Mathematica
- Approximation Models and Applications
- Arbeiten mit Mathematica: Eine Einführung mit Beispielen
- Aritmetica, Algebra e Calculo com o Mathematica
- The Art of Modeling in Science and Engineering with Mathematica, Second Edition
- The Art of Programming in the Mathematica Software, third edition
- Astrophysics through Computation: With Mathematica Support
- Ateliers Mathematica
- Atlas for Computing Mathematical Functions: An Illustrated Guide for Practitioners with Programs in C and Mathematica
- Atlas for Computing Mathematical Functions: An Illustrated Guide for Practitioners with Programs in FORTRAN 90 and Mathematica
- Automation of Finite Element Methods
- Basic image processing in Mathematica
- Basic Math Comprehended with Mathematica
- Basic Mathematica Primer
- Basic Mathematics for Economics, Business, and Finance
- Basic Theory of Exploration Seismology
- Basiswissen Mathematik: Der smarte Einstieg in die Mathematikausbildung an Hochschulen
- Bayesian Logical Data Analysis for the Physical Sciences: A Comparative Approach with Mathematica Support
- A Beginner's Guide to Mathematica
- The Beginner's Guide to Mathematica Version 2
- The Beginner's Guide to Mathematica Version 2 (Japanese translation)
- The Beginner's Guide to Mathematica Version 3
- The Beginner's Guide to Mathematica Version 3 CD-ROM
- The Beginner's Guide to Mathematica Version 4
- The Beginner's Guide to Mathematica Version 4
- A Beginner's Guide to Wavelets
- Beginning Artificial Intelligence with the Raspberry Pi
- Beginning Mathematica and Wolfram for Data Science
- Beginning Mathematica and Wolfram for Data Science
- Beyond Classical Physics
- Biochemical Thermodynamics: Applications of Mathematica
- Boundary Integral Equation Methods and Numerical Solutions: Thin Plates on an Elastic Foundation
- Brownian Motion Calculus
- Butterworth & Bessel Filters: A Tutorial Overview
- CalcLabs with Mathematica
- CalcLabs with Mathematica for Multivariable Calculus, Fifth Edition
- Calclabs with Mathematica for Mutlivariable Calculus, fourth edition
- CalcLabs with Mathematica for Single Variable Calculus, Fifth Edition
- Calclabs with Mathematica for Single Variable Calculus, fourth edition
- CalcLabs with Mathematica for Stewart's Calculus: Concepts and Contexts, Single Variable
- CalcLabs with Mathematica for Stewart's Calculus: Concepts and Contexts, Single Variable
- CalcLabs with Mathematica for Stewart's Multivariable Calculus Concepts and Contexts
- CalcLabs with Mathematica for Stewart's Multivariable Calculus, Fifth Edition
- CalcLabs with Mathematica for Stewart's Single Variable Calculus
- CalcLabs with Mathematica for Stewart's Single Variable Calculus: Concepts and Contexts, Third Edition
- Calculo cientifico con MATHEMATICA. Algebra lineal
- Cálculo Numérico: Planteamiento y resolución de problemas con Mathematica
- Cálculo simbólico y numérico con Mathematica
- Calculus and Differential Equations with Mathematica
- Calculus Explorations using Mathematica
- Calculus Explorations with Mathematica
- Calculus I, first edition
- Calculus II
- Calculus III
- Calculus Laboratories with Mathematica, Volume 1
- Calculus Laboratories with Mathematica, Volume 2
- Calculus Laboratories with Mathematica, Volume 3
- Calculus Labs Using Mathematica
- Calculus Labs: An Interactive Textbook with Mathematica
- Calculus Live
- Calculus Mathematica Manual
- Calculus Projects Using Mathematica [1996 Edition]
- Calculus Projects Using Mathematica, Revised Edition
- Calculus Using Mathematica
- Calculus with Mathematica: An Interactive Book
- Calculus&Mathematica
- Calculus&Mathematica
- Calculus, 3rd edition
- Calculus, Early Transcendentals, tenth edition
- Calculus, seventh edition
- Calculus, Single and Multivariable, Fifth Edition
- Calculus, tenth edition
- Calculus: Early Transcendentals
- Calculus: Early Transcendentals, 3rd edition
- Calculus: Early Transcendentals, Second Edition
- Calculus: Early Transcendentals, Seventh edition
- Calculus: Labs for Mathematica
- Celestial Dynamics: Chaoticity and Dynamics of Celestial Systems
- Cellular Automata and Complexity: Collected Papers
- The Certified Six Sigma Master Black Belt Handbook
- Challenging the Boundaries of Symbolic Computation: Proceedings of the 5th International Mathematica Symposium
- Classical Mechanics with Mathematica
- Classical Mechanics with Mathematica, second edition
- Classical Mechanics: A Computational Approach with Examples Using Mathematica and Python
- Classical Mechanics: A Computational Approach with Examples Using Mathematica and Python
- The Classical Theory of Integral Equations, A Concise Treatment
- Clojure Data Analysis Cookbook, Second Edition
- Cluster Analysis and Applications
- College Algebra with Student Solution Manual
- College Algebra, Second Edition
- Complex Analysis for Mathematics and Engineering, Fifth Edition
- Complex Analysis for Mathematics and Engineering, sixth edition
- Complex Analysis with Mathematica
- Complex System Reliability, Multichannel Systems with Imperfect Fault Coverage, second edition
- Complex Variables for Engineers with Mathematica
- Composite Materials in Piping Applications
- Computational Discrete Mathematics: Combinatorics and Graph Theory with Mathematica
- Computational Economics and Finance: Modeling and Analysis with Mathematica
- Computational Explorations in Magnetron Sputtering
- Computational Financial Mathematics Using Mathematica: Optimal Trading in Stocks and Options
- Computational Geosciences with Mathematica
- Computational Methods Based on Peridynamics and Nonlocal Operators: Theory and Applications
- Computational Methods for Linear Integral Equations
- Computational Methods for Physics
- Computational Physics
- Computational Proximity: Excursions in the Topology of Digital Images
- Computational Recreations in Mathematica
- Computational Recreations in Mathematica (Japanese translation)
- Computer Algebra and Symbolic Computation
- Computer Algebra and Symbolic Computation: Elementary Algorithms
- Computer Algebra and Symbolic Computation: Mathematical Methods
- Computer Algebra in Quantum Field Theory: Integration, Summation and Special Functions
- The Computer as Crucible: An Introduction to Experimental Mathematics
- Computer Mathematics, A Textbook
- Computer Modeling and Simulation of Dynamic Systems Using Wolfram System Modeler
- Computer Modeling and Simulation of Dynamic Systems Using Wolfram SystemModeler
- Computer Science with Mathematica: Theory and Practice for Science, Mathematics, and Engineering
- Computer Simulations with Mathematica (Japanese translation)
- Computer Simulations with Mathematica: Explorations in Complex Physical and Biological Systems
- Computer Solutions in Physics: With Applications in Astrophysics, Biophysics, Differential Equations, and Engineering
- Computer-aided Analysis of Electric Machines: A Mathematica Approach
- Computing with Mathematica
- Computing with Mathematica, Second Edition
- Confidence Intervals in Generalized Regression Models
- Conquest of the Plane, Using The Economics Pack Applications of Mathematica for a didactic primer on Analytic Geometry and Calculus
- Continuum Mechanics using Mathematica: Fundamentals, Applications, and Scientific Computing
- Continuum Mechanics using Mathematica: Fundamentals, Methods, and Applications, second edition
- Control Theory for Physicists
- Control Theory Tutorial: Basic Concepts Illustrated by Software Examples
- Conversando com Robôs: a Arte de GPTear
- A Course in Computational Number Theory
- A Course in Ordinary Differential Equations, second edition
- A Crash Course in Mathematica
- CRC Concise Encyclopedia of Mathematics
- CRC Concise Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Second Edition
- The CRC Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Third Edition
- CRC Standard Curves and Surfaces with Mathematica, Second Edition
- CRC Standard Curves and Surfaces with Mathematica, Third Edition
- CRC Standard Curves and Surfaces: A Mathematica Notebook
- Creative Data Analytics: Computational Recipes to Gain Insights into Businesses
- Curves and Surfaces for Computer Graphics
- Curves and Surfaces in Geometric Modeling: Theory and Algorithms
- Das Mathematica Arbeitsbuch
- Das Mathematica Buch, 3. Auflage
- The Data Science Design Manual
- Differential Equations & Linear Algebra with Wolfram Mathematica
- Differential Equations & Linear Algebra, fourth edition
- Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems: Computing and Modeling, 5th edition
- Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems: Computing and Modeling, Sixth Edition
- Differential Equations with Mathematica
- Differential Equations with Mathematica
- Differential Equations with Mathematica
- Differential Equations with Mathematica, Fourth Edition
- Differential Equations with Mathematica, Second Edition
- Differential Equations with Mathematica, Second Edition
- Differential Equations with Mathematica, Third Edition
- Differential Equations with Mathematica, Third Edition
- Differential Equations, An Introduction to Modern Methods and Applications, second edition
- Differential Equations: An Introduction with Mathematica, Second Edition
- Differential Equations: An Introduction with Mathematica
- Differential Evolution: A Handbook for Global Permutation-Based Combinatorial Optimization
- Differentialgeometrie: klassische Theorie in moderner Darstellung
- Differentialgleichungen mit Mathematica
- Differentsial'naya geometriya v srede Mathematica: Informatsionnye i komp'yuternye tekhnologii v matematike, (Differential geometry with Mathematica)
- Digital Research Methods with Mathematica
- Discovering Calculus with Mathematica
- Discovering Calculus with Mathematica, Second Edition
- Discovering Mathematics: A Problem-Solving Approach to Mathematical Analysis with Mathematica and Maple
- Discrete Chaos: With Applications in Science and Engineering, Second Edition
- Discrete Dynamical Systems and Difference Equations with Mathematica
- Discrete Mathematics through the use of VilCretas Package
- Discrete Mathematics: An Introduction to Proofs and Combinatorics
- Discrete Mathematics: Learning to program in Wolfram Mathematica (Russian)
- Discrete Wavelet Transformations: An Elementary Approach with Applications
- Diskrete Mathematik - Basiswissen für Informatiker
- Dynamic Systems: Modeling Simulation, and Analysis
- Dynamical Systems with Applications using Mathematica
- Dynamical Systems with Applications using Mathematica, Second Edition
- Economic and Financial Modeling with Mathematica
- Economic Dynamics: Phase Diagrams and their Economic Application, 2nd Edition
- Einführung in Mathematica: Berücksichtigt die kostenlose Version 10 für den Raspberry Pi
- Einführung in die Programmierung mit Mathematica
- Einführung in die Quantenphysik: Experimentelle und theoretische Grundlagen mit Aufgaben, Lösungen und Mathematica-Notebooks
- Elasticity with Mathematica: An Introduction to Continuum Mechanics and Linear Elasticity
- Electrodynamics: A Concise Introduction
- ElectroDynamics: A Novel Computational Approach
- Electromagnetic Scattering from Random Media
- Electrotechnical Systems, Calculation and Analysis with Mathematica and PSpice
- Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems, 10th Edition
- An Elementary Introduction to the Wolfram Language, Chinese edition
- An Elementary Introduction to the Wolfram Language, First Edition
- An Elementary Introduction to the Wolfram Language, Second Edition
- Elementary Numerical Computing with Mathematica
- Elementary Numerical Computing with Mathematica (Japanese translation)
- Elements of Numerical Analysis with Mathematica
- Empirical Market Microstructure: The Institutions, Economics, and Econometrics of Securities Trading
- The End of Error: Unum Computing
- An Engineer's Guide to Mathematica
- Engineer's ToolKit: Mathematica 2.2 for Engineers
- Engineering Mathematics with Mathematica
- Engineering Mathematics with Mathematica (Japanese translation)
- Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics
- Engineering Mechanics: Statics
- Enzyme Kinetics, Rapid-Equilibrium Applications of Mathematica
- Equity Analytics
- Erste Schritte mit Mathematica
- Essentials of Hamiltonian Dynamics
- Essentials of Mathematica: With Applications to Mathematics and Physics
- Essentials of Programming in Mathematica
- Estructuras Discretas con Mathematica
- Euclidean Distance Geometry, An Introduction
- Euclidean Economics
- Exercise Modern quantum mechanics, second edition (Physics series)
- Experiments in Undergraduate Mathematics: A Mathematica-Based Approach
- Explorations in Complex Analysis
- Explorations in Quantum Computing
- Exploring Abstract Algebra with Mathematica
- Exploring Algebra with Wolfram Language: A High School Textbook
- Exploring Analytic Geometry with Mathematica
- Exploring Calculus with Mathematica
- Exploring Calculus with Mathematica (earlier edition)
- Exploring Calculus: Labs and Projects with Mathematica
- Exploring Linear Algebra: Labs and Projects with Mathematica
- Exploring Mathematical Models Using Mathematica: Applications of Differential Equations
- Exploring Mathematics with Integrated Spreadsheets in Teacher Education
- Exploring Mathematics with Mathematica
- Exploring Mathematics with Mathematica (Japanese translation)
- Exploring Multivariable Calculus with Mathematica (Preliminary Edition)
- Exploring Scanning Probe Microscopy with Mathematica
- Exploring Scanning Probe Microscopy with Mathematica, Second Edition
- Extension of Mathematica System Functionality
- Extreme Ocean Waves
- F# for Scientists
- Fare matematica con Mathematica
- Fast Simulation of Electro-Thermal MEMS
- A Field Theory of Games: Introduction to Decision Process Engineering, Volume 1
- Filter Design for Signal Processing Using MATLAB and Mathematica
- Financial Hacking: Evaluate Risks, Price Derivatives, Structure Trades, and Build Your Intuition Quickly and Easily
- Finite Element Concepts: A Closed-Form Algebraic Development
- Finite Form Representations for Meijer G and Fox H Functions: Applied to Multivariate Likelihood Ratio Tests Using Mathematica, MAXIMA and R
- A First Course in Mathematical Modeling, Fourth Edition
- First Steps in Mathematica
- Fizik ve Mühendislikte Wolfram Mathematica
- Fizika Su Kompiuteriu
- Foundations of Fluid Mechanics with Applications: Problem Solving Using Mathematica
- Fourier Transforms Using Mathematica
- Fractal Geography
- From Curve Fitting to Machine Learning: An Illustrative Guide to Scientific Data Analysis and Computational Intelligence, second edition
- From Eurasian Communal Art to Computer Graphics
- From Vectors to Tensors
- Front-End Vision and Multi-Scale Image Analysis
- Front-End Vision and Multi-Scale Image Analysis
- Functional Networks with Applications
- Functions of a Complex Variable, Series and Operational Calculus: Computer Technologies for Solution of Problems and Examples in Wolfram Mathematica, A Tutorial
- Fundamental Finite Element Analysis and Applications: With Mathematica and Matlab Computations
- Fundamentals of Cryptology
- Fundamentals of Kinematics and Dynamics of Machines and Mechanisms
- Fundamentals of Thermophotovoltaic Energy Conversion
- Fundamentos de Métodos quantitativos, Aplicados em Administracao, Economia, Contabilidade e Atuaria usando Wolfram|Alpha e Scilab, Foundations of Quantitative Methods in Business Administration, Economics, Accounting and Actuarial Science - using Wolfram|Alpha and Scilab
- Fundamentos Para Cálculo usando Wolfram|Alpha e Scilab, Foundations for Calculus - using Wolfram|Alpha and Scilab
- Future Math with Mathematica
- Galois Theory
- Generalized Collocation Methods: Solutions to Nonlinear Problems
- Geographical Models with Mathematica
- Géographie fractale: fractals auto-similaire et auto-affine
- Geometria differencial de curvas y superficies
- Geometric Design, An Artful Portfolio of Mathematical Graphics
- Geometric Optics: Theory and Design of Astronomical Optical Systems Using Mathematica, second edition
- Geometric Optics:Theory and Design of Astronomical Optical Systems Using Mathematica
- Geometry and Mathematica System (Russian Edition)
- Geometry, Language and Strategy
- Geometry, Language and Strategy Vol. 2: The Dynamics of Decision Processes
- Geospatial Algebraic Computations, Theory and Applications, Third Edition
- Getting Started with Mathematica
- Getting Started with Mathematica, Second Edition
- Getting Started with Mathematica, Third Edition
- Getting Started with Wolfram Language and Mathematica for Raspberry Pi
- GIS and Spatial Analysis for the Social Sciences, Coding, Mapping and Modeling
- Google It: Total Information Awareness
- Graduate Mathematical Physics: With Mathematica Supplements
- Grafik mit Mathematica
- Graph and Network Theory: An Applied Approach Using Mathematica
- Graphica 1. The Imaginary Made Real: The Art of Michael Trott
- Graphica 2. The Pattern of Beauty: The Art of Igor Bakshee
- Graphics with Mathematica: Fractals, Julia Sets, Patterns and Natural Forms
- Grassmann Algebra Volume 1: Exploring extended vector algebra with Mathematica
- Gravity, a Geometrical Course: Volume 1: Development of the Theory and Basic Physical Applications
- Gravity, a Geometrical Course: Volume 2: Black Holes, Cosmology and Introduction to Supergravity
- Green's Functions in the Theory of Ordinary Differential Equations
- Group Theory in Solid State Physics and Photonics: Problem Solving with Mathematica
- Groups and Manifolds: Lectures for Physicists with Examples in Mathematica
- Guida a Mathematica
- Guide d'initiation à Mathematica 2
- Guide to Essential Math, A Review for Physics, Chemistry and Engineering Students, second edition
- Guide to Standard Mathematica Packages, Version 2.2
- Guide to Wolfram|Alpha for Genealogy and Family History Research
- A Guidebook to Calculus with Mathematica
- A Guided Tour of Differential Equations Using Computer Technology
- Haiduke Sarafian's Collective Articles 2020–2023
- Handbook of Exact Solutions to the Nonlinear Schrödinger Equations
- Handbook of Linear Partial Differential Equations for Engineers and Scientists, Second Edition
- Handbook of Mathematics, Sixth Edition
- Handbook of Smart Energy Systems
- Hands-on Start to Wolfram Mathematica and Programming with the Wolfram Language
- Hands-On Start to Wolfram Mathematica and Programming with the Wolfram Language, Chinese Language
- Hands-On Start to Wolfram Mathematica and Programming with the Wolfram Language, Korean Language
- Hands-on Start to Wolfram Mathematica and Programming with the Wolfram Language, Second Edition
- Hands-On Start to Wolfram Mathematica and Programming with the Wolfram Language, Second Edition Japanese Language
- Hands-on Start to Wolfram Mathematica and Programming with the Wolfram Language, Third Edition
- Hands-on Start to Wolfram|Alpha Notebook Edition
- Hello!! Wolfram|Alpha®
- High School Mathematics as Revealed by Mathematica
- Höhere Mathematik mit Mathematica, Band 1: Grundlagen, Lineare Algebra
- Höhere Mathematik mit Mathematica, Band 2: Analysis
- Höhere Mathematik mit Mathematica, Band 3: Differentialgleichungen und Numerik
- Höhere Mathematik mit Mathematica, Band 4: Funktionentheorie, Fourier- und Laplacetransformationen
- How to Fold It: The Mathematics of Linkages, Origami, and Polyhedra
- Hybrid Imaging and Visualization: Employing Machine Learning with Mathematica - Python
- Idea Makers: Personal Perspectives on the Lives & Ideas of Some Notable People
- Illustrated Mathematics: Visualization of Mathematical Objects with Mathematica
- Illustrating Evolutionary Computation with Mathematica
- Illustrating Finance Policy with Mathematica
- Illustrierte Mathematik: Visualisierung von mathematischen Gegenständen
- Implementing Discrete Mathematics: Combinatorics and Graph Theory with Mathematica
- Implementing Discrete Mathematics: Combinatorics and Graph Theory with Mathematica (Japanese translation)
- Impulziv Jelensegek Modelljei (Models of Impulsive Phenomena: Mathematica Experiments)
- Income Support Benefits Law (augmented edition)
- Informatik für Mathematiker und Naturwissenschaftler: Eine Einführung mit Mathematica
- Information Processing Volume I: Boolean Algebra, Classical Logic, Cellular Automata, and Probability Manipulations
- Information Processing Volume II: The Maximum Entropy Principle
- Information Processing Volume III: An Introduction to Information Geometry
- Innføring i Mathematica
- Innovation in Mathematics: Proceedings of the Second International Mathematica Symposium
- The Ins and Outs of Mathematica
- Intelligent Routines: Solving Mathematical Analysis with Matlab, Mathcad, Mathematica and Maple
- Interactive Calculus
- Interactive Computational Geometry, A Taxonomic Approach
- Interactive Multivariable Calculus
- Interesting Mathematical Problems in Sciences and Everyday Life - 2011
- Introdução a programação em Mathematica
- Introdução ao Mathematica
- Introdução ao Mathematica for Windows
- Introducción a la computación en Matemática usando Mathematica
- Introduccion a la Programacion en Mathematica: para ingenieros civiles y mecánicos
- Introducing Unseen Math at Cosmoquest
- Introduction à Mathematica
- Introduction to Chemical Engineering Analysis Using Mathematica
- Introduction to Chemical Engineering Analysis Using Mathematica: For Chemists, Biotechnologists and Materials Scientists, 2nd Edition
- Introduction to Communication Systems: An Interactive Approach Using the Wolfram Language
- An Introduction to Computational Origami
- Introduction to Computational Physical Chemistry
- Introduction to Computational Science
- Introduction to Computer Performance Analysis with Mathematica
- Introduction to Electromagnetic Simulation with Mathematica
- Introduction to Linear and Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos with Mathematica
- Introduction to Mathematica
- Introduction to Mathematica
- Introduction to Mathematica
- Introduction to Mathematica – Basic and Application
- Introduction to Mathematica 2.2
- Introduction to Mathematica for Physicists
- Introduction to Mathematica with Applications
- An Introduction to Mathematical Physics with Mathematica, Part I
- An Introduction to Mathematical Physics with Mathematica, Part II
- Introduction to Mathematical Physics: Methods & Concepts second edition
- Introduction to Mathematics for Economics Students
- An Introduction to Modern Mathematical Computing with Mathematica
- Introduction to Number Theory
- Introduction to Number Theory, 2nd Edition
- Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations with Mathematica: An Integrated Multimedia Approach
- Introduction to Partial Differential Equations for Scientists and Engineers Using Mathematica
- An Introduction to Probability with Mathematica
- Introduction to Probability with Mathematica
- An Introduction to Probability With MATHEMATICA®
- Introduction to Probability with Mathematica, Second Edition
- Introduction to Probability: Models and Applications
- Introduction to Programming with Mathematica
- Introduction to Programming with Mathematica (Japanese translation)
- Introduction to Programming with Mathematica, Second Edition
- An Introduction to Programming with Mathematica, Third Edition
- Introduction to Quantitative Methods for Financial Markets
- Introduction to Scientific Computing: Numerical Analysis With Mathematica, First Edition
- Introduction to Scientific Programming: Computational Problem Solving Using Mathematica and C
- Introduction to Solid Mechanics and Finite Element Analysis Using Mathematica
- Introduction to Solid Mechanics and Finite Element Analysis Using Mathematica
- Introduction to Statistics with the Wolfram Language
- Introduction to System Simulation with Modelica (Japanese)
- Introduction to the Mathematics of Operations Research with Mathematica, Second Edition
- Introductory Statistics and Random Phenomena: Uncertainty, Complexity, and Chaotic Behavior in Engineering and Science
- Invitación al Cálculo con Computación usando Mathematica
- An Invitation to Mathematical Biology
- Irreducibility and Computational Equivalence, 10 Years After Wolfram's A New Kind of Science
- Iteración y fractales (con Mathematica)
- A Journey into Partial Differential Equations
- The Joy of Mathematica (Japanese translation)
- The Joy of Mathematica: A Point-and-Click Way to Use and Learn Mathematica
- The Joy of Mathematica: Instant Mathematica for Calculus, Differential Equations, and Linear Algebra, Second Edition
- Kantan Mathematica Katsuyo Guide
- Kis Atlasz Sorozat A Naprendszerrol (5): Urkutatas Es Geometria
- Komplexe Systeme - Neue Ansätze und zahlreiche Beispiele (Complex Systems - New Approaches and numerous examples)
- L'essentiel de Mathematica 3
- Laboratórios virtuais: cálculo, álgebra e geometria (Portuguese)
- Laboratori de Geometria Computacional
- Laboratories for Calculus I Using Mathematica
- Laboratories Using Mathematica (companion to Calculus, Sixth Edition, and Calculus of a Single Variable, Second Edition, by Swokiwski, Olinick, and Pence)
- Lake Victoria: Ecology, Resources, Environment
- Las Mejores Historias del Joven Einstein
- Learning Differential Equations and Solutions by Examples
- Learning Engineering Mathematics with Mathematica
- Learning Math Again
- Learning Mathematics with Mathematica: Differential and Integral Calculus with Mathematica
- Learning Mathematics with Mathematica: Introduction
- Learning Mathematics with Mathematica: Linear Algebra
- Leçons de Mathematica
- Les Machines De Turing - Introduction À La Caractérisation De La Complexité D'un Problème
- Lezioni di Geometria Differenziale su Curve e Superfici, Volume 1
- Lezioni di Geometria Differenziale su Curve e Superfici, Volume 2
- Linear Algebra and Its Applications, fourth edition
- Linear Algebra and Linear Operators in Engineering, with Applications in Mathematica
- Linear Algebra Projects Using Mathematica
- The Linear Algebra Survival Guide Illustrated with Mathematica
- Linear Algebra with Mathematica
- Linear Algebra: An Interactive Laboratory Approach with Mathematica
- Linear Algebra: An Introduction Using Mathematica
- A Logic of Exceptions, Using The Economics Pack Applications of Mathematics for Elementary Logic
- Máquinas y mecanismos, implementación con Wolfram Mathematica (English: Machines and Mechanisms: Implementation with Wolfram Mathematica)
- Manipulate@Mathematica
- Mastering Mathematica: Programming Methods and Applications
- Mastering Mathematica: Programming Methods and Applications, Second Edition
- Mastering the Black Box of Statistics and Research Design
- Matemática Discreta Con Apoyo de Software
- Matemática Para Ingeniería Mediante El Uso De CDF'S
- Matematica & Mathematica
- Matematika és Mathematica
- Material Mechanics with Mathematica
- A Math Primer for Engineers
- The Math(s) Fix: An Education Blueprint for the AI Age
- Mathematica
- Mathematica
- Mathematica 錦囊妙計
- Mathematica (Dutch)
- Mathematica 3
- Mathematica 3 Aplicaciones para PC
- Mathematica 3 niyoru Kinyu Kogaku
- Mathematica 3--Langage et méthodes
- Mathematica 3.0
- Mathematica 3.0 Standard Add-on Packages
- Mathematica 3.0/2.2
- Mathematica 4 Standard Add-on Packages
- MATHEMATICA 5.1/5.2/6.0. Программирование и математические вычисления (Programming and mathematical computations)
- Mathematica 6
- Mathematica 6
- Mathematica als Werkzeug: Eine Einführung mit Anwendungsbeispielen
- A Mathematica Approach to Calculus
- A Mathematica Approach to Calculus, Second Edition
- Mathematica as a Tool
- Mathematica Basic Training Course
- Mathematica Beyond Mathematics: The Wolfram Language in the Real World
- Mathematica Beyond Mathematics: The Wolfram Language in the Real World, Second Edition
- The Mathematica Book, Fifth Edition
- The Mathematica Book, Fifth Edition (Japanese translation)
- Mathematica by Example
- Mathematica by Example
- Mathematica by Example, Fifth Edition
- Mathematica by Example, Fourth Edition
- Mathematica by Example, Revised Edition
- Mathematica by Example, Revised Edition (Japanese translation)
- Mathematica by Example, Second Edition
- Mathematica by Example, Third Edition
- Mathematica CD-ROM Library
- A Mathematica Companion for Differential Equations
- Mathematica Companion for Finite Mathematics and Business Calculus
- Mathematica Computer Guide: A Self-Contained Introduction for Erwin Kreyszig's "Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Ninth Edition"
- Mathematica Computer Guide: A Self-Contained Introduction for Erwin Kreyszig's Advanced Engineering Mechanics, Eighth Edition
- Mathematica Computer Manual (companion to Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Seventh Edition)
- Mathematica Computer Programs for Physical Chemistry
- Mathematica Cookbook
- Mathematica Cours et applications
- Mathematica dans les lycées
- Mathematica Data Analysis
- Mathematica Data Visualization, Create and Prototype Interactive Data Visualizations Using Mathematica
- Mathematica de try: Tameshite wakaru koukou suugaku (Try with Mathematica: Try and understand high school math)
- Mathematica DeMYSTiFied
- Mathematica Dla Niecierpliwych
- Mathematica Esencíal con aplícacíones
- Mathematica Exercises in Introductory Physics
- Mathematica for Bioinformatics: A Wolfram Language Approach to Omics
- Mathematica for Calculus-Based Physics
- Mathematica for Differential Equations: Projects, Insights, Syntax and Animations
- Mathematica for Mathematics Teachers: Notes from an Introductory Course
- Mathematica for Mathematics, Physics and Engineers
- Mathematica for Microeconomics: Learning by Example
- Mathematica for Physicists and Engineers
- Mathematica for Physicists and Engineers
- Mathematica for Physics
- Mathematica for Physics, Second Edition
- Mathematica for Scientists and Engineers
- Mathematica for Scientists and Engineers: Using Mathematica to Do Science
- Mathematica for the Administration and Economics
- Mathematica for the Sciences
- Mathematica for the Sciences (Japanese translation)
- Mathematica for Theoretical Physics: Classical Mechanics and Nonlinear Dynamics, Second Edition
- Mathematica for Theoretical Physics: Electrodynamics, Quantum Mechanics, General Relativity, and Fractals, Second Edition
- Mathematica for Windows Version 2.2
- Mathematica für Ingenieure
- Mathematica Graphics Example Book for Beginners
- The Mathematica Graphics Guidebook
- Mathematica Graphics: Techniques & Applications
- Mathematica Griffbereit, Version 2
- Mathematica Guidebook
- The Mathematica GuideBook for Graphics
- The Mathematica GuideBook for Numerics
- The Mathematica GuideBook for Programming
- The Mathematica GuideBook for Symbolics
- The Mathematica Handbook
- Mathematica in Action
- Mathematica in Action (Japanese translation)
- Mathematica in Action, Second Edition
- Mathematica in Action: Problem Solving Through Visualization and Computation, Third Edition
- Mathematica in Aktion
- Mathematica in der Theoretischen Physik
- Mathematica in Mathematical and Scientific Calculations
- Mathematica in the Laboratory
- Mathematica in Theoretical Physics: Selected Examples from Classical Mechanics to Fractals
- MATHEMATICA kompakt: Mathematische Problemlösungen für Ingenieure, Mathematiker und Naturwissenschaftler
- Mathematica Lab Manual (companion to Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Fourth Edition)
- Mathematica Lab Manual for Introductory Differential Equations: From Linearity to Chaos
- Mathematica LAB:Experiments oriented high school math exploring sets for creative engineering talents
- Mathematica Laboratories for Mathematical Statistics: Emphasizing Simulation and Computer Intensive Methods
- Mathematica Laboratory Manual, to accompany Calculus: Modeling and Application
- Mathematica Labs for Linear Algebra
- A Mathematica Manual for Engineering Mechanics, Dynamics, Computational Edition
- Mathematica más allá de las matemáticas, 2ª Edición
- Mathematica Materialy pomocnicze dla student´ow, cz. 1
- Mathematica Materialy pomocnicze dla student´ow, cz. 2
- Mathematica Navigator: Graphics and Methods of Applied Mathematics
- Mathematica Navigator: Mathematics, Statistics and Graphics, Third Edition
- Mathematica Navigator: Mathematics, Statistics, and Graphics, Second Edition
- Mathematica Notebook (companion to Calculus, Sixth Edition and Calculus of a Single Variable, Second Edition by Swokowski, Olinick, and Pence)
- Mathematica Notebook (companion to Differential Equations with Computer Lab Experiments by Dennis G. Zill)
- Mathematica pour classes préparatoires et DEUG scientifiques, Tome 1: programme commun aux 1ères et 2èmes années des classes de: MPSI, PCSI, PTSI, MP
- The Mathematica Primer
- A Mathematica Primer for Physicists
- Mathematica progamowanie i zastosowania
- The Mathematica Programmer
- The Mathematica Programmer II
- Mathematica Programming: An Advanced Introduction
- Mathematica Projects for Vector Calculus
- Mathematica Quick Reference, Version 2
- Mathematica Quick Reference, Version 2 (Japanese translation)
- Mathematica Reference Guide (for Mathematica Version 2)
- Mathematica Supplement: Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics
- Mathematica Technology Resource Manual for Differential Equations: A Modeling Perspective
- Mathematica und C in der modernen Theoretischen Physik mit Schwerpunkt Quantenmechanik
- Mathematica und Wolfram Language
- Mathematicaクックブック
- Mathematica® and Differential Equations
- Mathematica, Más Allá de las Matemáticas
- Mathematica, narzedzie inzyniera
- Mathematica-Based Digital Physics
- MATHEMATICA. Matemáticas para bachilleres. Ejemplos y ejercicios resueltos
- MATHEMATICA. Plataforma de cálculo científico. Ejemplos y ejercicios resueltos
- Mathematica: Le livre, troisième édition
- Mathematica: A Mathematical System, Its Application and Programming
- Mathematica: A Practical Approach
- Mathematica: A Practical Approach (Japanese translation)
- Mathematica: A Practical Approach, Second Edition
- Mathematica: A Problem-Centered Approach
- Mathematica: A Problem-Centered Approach, Second Edition
- Mathematica: A System for Doing Mathematics by Computer
- Mathematica: A System for Doing Mathematics by Computer, Second Edition
- Mathematica: A System for Doing Mathematics by Computer, Second Edition (Japanese translation)
- Mathematica: An Introduction to Statistics and Probability
- Mathematica: Calcul formel et programmation symbolique pour l'informatique scientifique
- Mathematica: DSP and Control
- Mathematica: Ein System für Mathematik auf dem Computer
- Mathematica: Ein systematisches Lehrbuch mit Anwendungsbeispielen
- Mathematica: Eine beispielorientierte Einfürung Version 3
- Mathematica: Einführung und Leitfaden für den Praktiker
- Mathematica: Einführung, Anwendung, Referenz Version 3
- Mathematica: Fundamentos y aplicaciones de la Informática en Matemáticas
- Mathematica: Introduction to Algebraic Computation
- Mathematica: Le système informatique pour les mathématiques, Deuxieme édition
- Mathematica: non solo numeri
- Mathematica: Principi e applicazioni
- Mathematica: Probleme, Beispiele, Lösungen
- Mathematica: Questions and Answers
- Mathematica: The Student Book
- Mathematica: Uma Abordagem Prática
- Mathematica: Un enfoque práctico
- Mathematica: Une nouvelle approche du calcul scientifique
- Mathematica: Vom Problem zum Programm
- Mathematica?!
- MathematicaHandbook
- Mathematical analysis and instrumental methods for solving problems. Book 1. (Russian)
- Mathematical analysis and instrumental methods for solving problems. Book 2. (Russian)
- Mathematical Graphics I: Lessons in Computer Graphics Using Mathematica
- Mathematical Methods in Economics Using Mathematica
- Mathematical Methods in Physics and Engineering with Mathematica
- Mathematical Methods Using Mathematica: For Students of Physics and Related Fields
- Mathematical Modeling, Third Edition
- Mathematical Models in the Biosciences I
- Mathematical Principles for Scientific Computing and Visualization
- Mathematical Statistics with Mathematica
- Mathematical Statistics with Mathematica
- Mathematical Techniques: An Introduction for the Engineering, Physical, and Mathematical Sciences, Fourth Edition
- Mathematics and Mathematica for Economists
- Mathematics for Game Developers
- Mathematics for Physical Chemistry, Fifth Edition
- Mathematics for Physical Science and Engineering
- Mathematics on Personal Computers
- Mathematics with Vision: Proceedings of the First International Mathematica Symposium
- Mathematics, Physics & Chemistry with the Wolfram Language
- Mathematics: Powerful Patterns in Nature and Society
- Mathematik fur Informatiker (Mathematics for Computer Scientists) Band 2: Analysis und Statistik 3. Auflage
- Mathematik fur Informatiker: Band 1: Diskrete Mathematik und Lineare Algebra
- Mathématiques pour les sciences de l'ingénieur avec Mathematica
- MathLink Reference Guide, Version 2.2
- MathLink: Network Programming with Mathematica
- The MathML Handbook
- Maths & Fun 1.0
- MathTensor: A System for Doing Tensor Analysis by Computer
- Matrichno smiatane s Mathematica (Matrix calculations with Mathematica)
- Mechanics and Dynamical Systems with Mathematica
- Mechanik – smart gelöst: Einstieg in die Physik mit Wolfram|Alpha, MATLAB und Excel
- Methoden der Bioinformatik
- Methoden der Bioinformatik: Eine Einführung zur Anwendung in Biologie und Medizin, 2 Auflage
- Methoden der Quantenmechanik mit Mathematica
- Micromechanics with Mathematica
- Modeling Nature: Cellular Automata Simulations with Mathematica
- Modeling Random Systems
- Modelling Financial Derivatives with Mathematica
- Modelling Metabolism with Mathematica
- Modelling Stochastic Fibrous Materials with Mathematica
- Modelos Neuronales Aplicados en Economía, Casos Practicos mediante Mathematica
- Modern Analytical Electromagnetic Homogenization with Mathematica, Second Edition
- Modern Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces
- Modern Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces with Mathematica, Second Edition
- Modern Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces with Mathematica, Third Edition
- Modern Introduction to Surface Plasmons: Theory, Mathematica, Modeling and Applications
- Modern Methods in Mathematical Physics: Integral Equations in Wolfram Mathematica
- Modular programming: Maple vs Mathematica, and vice versa
- Molecular Physical Chemistry: A Computer-based Approach using Mathematica and Gaussian
- Molecular Symmetry
- Monte Carlo Methods Utilizing Mathematica
- Multimedia Maths
- Multisector Growth Models: Theory and Applications
- Multivariable CalcLabs with Mathematica
- Multivariable Calculus and Mathematica: With Applications to Geometry and Physics
- Multivariable Calculus with Mathematica
- Natural Resource Economics: Analysis, Theory, and Applications
- The Nature of Mathematics and the Mathematics of Nature
- Neoclassical Physics
- New Ideas in Symbolic Computation: Proceedings of the 6th International Mathematica Symposium
- A New Kind of Science (Paperback)
- A New Kind of Science 20th Anniversary Limited Edition Boxed Set
- A New Kind of Science, Apple iBooks
- A New Kind of Science, Notes from the Book
- Nonlinear Control and Analytical Mechanics: A Computational Approach
- Nonlinear Mechanics of Thin-Walled Structures, Asymptotics, Direct Approach and Numerical Analysis
- Nonlinear Physics with Mathematica for Scientists and Engineers
- Nonlinear Science: An Interactive Mathematica Notebook
- Numerical Analysis, ninth edition
- Numerical and Analytical Methods for Scientists and Engineers Using Mathematica
- Numerical and Practical Exercises in Thermoluminescence
- A Numerical Approach to Real Algebraic Curves with the Wolfram Language
- Numerical Exploration of Fourier Transform and Fourier Series
- Numerical Methods for Engineering
- Numerical Solutions for Partial Differential Equations: Problem Solving Using Mathematica
- Numerical Solutions of Boundary Value Problems of Non-linear Differential Equations
- Numerical Solutions Of Boundary Value Problems With Derivative Boundary Conditions
- Numerical Solutions of Boundary Value Problems with Finite Difference Method
- Numerical Solutions of Boundary Value Problems with So-Called Shooting Method
- Numerical Solutions of Initial Value Problems Using Mathematica
- Numerical Solutions of Partial Differential Equations Using Finite Difference Method and Mathematica
- Operator Calculus on Graphs, Theory and Applications in Computer Science
- Optics: Learning by Computing, with Examples Using Mathcad, MATLAB, Mathematica, and Maple, second edition
- Optimal Input Signals for Parameter Estimation
- Option Valuation under Stochastic Volatility II: With Mathematica Code
- Option Valuation under Stochastic Volatility with Mathematica Code
- Ordinary Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems
- Oversampling A/D Converters with Improved Signal Transfer Functions
- Partial Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems with Mathematica, Second Edition
- Partial Differential Equations and Boundary-Value Problems with Applications, third edition
- Partial Differential Equations and Mathematica
- Partial Differential Equations with Mathematica
- Partial Differential Equations with Mathematica (Japanese translation)
- Particle and Particle Systems Characterization: Small-Angle Scattering (SAS) Applications
- Pathways Through Applied and Computational Physics
- Pattern Classification, second edition
- Pearls of Discrete Mathematics
- Pharmacocinetique avec Mathematica
- Physical Chemistry using Mathematica
- Physical Chemistry, Fourth Edition
- Physical Chemistry, Third Edition
- Physical Chemistry: Kinetics
- Physical Chemistry: Quantum Mechanics
- Physical Chemistry: Statistical Mechanics
- Physical Chemistry: Thermodynamics
- Physicist's Guide to Mathematica
- A Physicist's Guide to Mathematica, Second Edition
- Physics by Computer: Programming Physical Problems Using Mathematica and C
- Physics of Continuous Matter, second edition
- Pixels & Paintings: Foundations of Computer-Assisted Connoisseurship
- Play Among Books: A Symposium on Architecture and Information Spelt in Atom-Letters
- Polynomial Diophantine Equations: A Systematic Approach
- The Power of Visualization: Notes from a Mathematica Course
- Power Programming with Mathematica: The Kernel
- Practical Linear Algebra, A Geometry Toolbox, third edition
- Practical Optimization Methods with Mathematica Applications
- Prácticas de análisis matemático y métodos numéricos con Mathematica
- Praktische Numerik mit Mathematica
- Pre Calculus
- Precalculus eText with MyMathLab
- Precalculus, 2nd edition
- Precalculus, A Prelude to Calculus second edition with Student Solution Manual
- Precalculus, First Edition
- Precalculus: A Prelude to Calculus, with Student Solutions Manual
- Precalculus: Anticipating Calculus Using Mathematica Labs
- Prime Numbers: A Computational Perspective
- Prime Numbers: A Computational Perspective, Second Edition
- A Primer of NMR Theory with Calculations in Mathematica
- A Primer on Quantum Chemistry
- Principia Evolvica: simulierte Evolution mit Mathematica
- Principles of Linear Algebra with Mathematica
- Principles of Object-Oriented Modeling and Simulation with Modelica 2.1
- Probabilidad y Estadística: Un enfoque intuitivo con apoyo en Mathematica
- A Probability and Statistics Companion
- Probability: An Introduction with Statistical Applications
- Probability: An Introduction with Statistical Applications, second edition
- Problemlösungen für Ingenieure
- Profit from Science: Solving Business Problems Using Data, Math, and the Scientific Process
- Programmieren mit Wolfram Mathematica
- Programming in Mathematica
- Programming in Mathematica (Japanese translation)
- Programming in Mathematica, Second Edition
- Programming in Mathematica, Third Edition
- Programming in packages Maple and Mathematica: Comparative Analysis
- Programming Languanges ABC++
- Programming with Mathematica, An Introduction
- Projects in Scientific Computation
- A Quantum Computation Workbook
- Quantum Methods with Mathematica
- A Radical Approach to Real Analysis, second edition
- Randomness Through Computation, Some Answers, More Questions
- Ranked Set Sampling
- Raspberry Pi for Dummies, second edition
- Reaction Kinetics: Exercises, Programs and Theorems: Mathematica for Deterministic and Stochastic Kinetics
- Reliability Theory with Applications to Preventive Maintenance
- Resolving Conflicts with Mathematica: Algorithms for Two-Person Games
- Risk and Reward: The Science of Casino Blackjack
- Scattering Amplitudes in Quantum Field Theory
- Schaum's Outline of Mathematica and the Wolfram Language, Third Edition (Schaum's Outlines)
- Schaum's Outline of Mathematica, Second Edition
- Schaum's Outline of Theory and Problems of Mathematica
- Scientific Computing with Mathematica: Mathematical Problems for Ordinary Differential Equations
- Sculptured Thin Films: Nanoengineered Morphology and Optics
- Self-Tutor for Computer Calculus Using Mathematica
- Self-Tutor for Computer Calculus Using Mathematica (Japanese translation)
- Series Mathematica en Matemática (edición previa)
- The SIAM 100-Digit Challenge: A Study in High-Accuracy Numerical Computing
- Simulating Electrochemical Reactions with Mathematica
- Simulating Fourier Optics Using Mathematica
- Simulating Neural Networks with Mathematica
- Simulating Society: A Mathematica Toolkit for Modeling Socioeconomic Behavior
- Simulating Speckle with Mathematica®
- Single Variable CalcLabs with Mathematica
- Single Variable Calculus with Early Transcendentals
- Solution Techniques for Elementary Partial Differential Equations, Third Edition
- Solutions Manual to Accompany Ordinary Differential Equations
- Solving Algebraic Computational Problems in Geodesy and Geoinformatics: The Answer to Modern Challenges
- Solving Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations with Maple and Mathematica
- Some Concepts of Functional Analysis using Mathematica
- Sound in the Time Domain
- Special Functions of Fractional Calculus: Applications to Diffusion and Random Search Processes
- Special Integrals of Gradshteyn and Ryzhik: the Proofs - Volume I
- Splines and Compartment Models: An Introduction
- Statistical Consequences of Fat Tails: Real World Preasymptotics, Epistemology, and Applications
- Statistics for Science and Engineering
- Statistics with Mathematica
- Statistik mit Mathematica: Statische Methoden und ihre Anwendungen
- Statistisk formelsamling: med bayesiansk vinkling
- Stochastic Processes, An Introduction, second edition
- Structural Dynamics of Earthquake Engineering; Theory and Application using Mathematica and MATLAB
- Student Solutions Manual for "Linear Algebra: An Introduction Using Mathematica"
- A Student's Guide to the Study, Practice, and Tools of Modern Mathematics
- The Student's Introduction to Mathematica and the Wolfram Language, 3rd Edition
- The Student's Introduction to Mathematica, Second Edition
- The Student's Introduction to Mathematica: A Handbook for Precalculus, Calculus, and Linear Algebra
- Survival Guide For Physical Chemistry
- suugaku 1+A (Number and Equations, series)
- suugaku II+B (Complex Number, Vector, Complex Plane)
- Symbolic Computation and Education
- Symbolic Computation: New Horizons, Proceedings of the Fourth International Mathematica Symposium
- Symmetry Analysis of Differential Equations with Mathematica
- Symmetry and Condensed Matter Physics, A Computational Approach
- Symmetry in Optics and Vision Studies: A Data-Analytic Approach
- Symmetry Theory in Molecular Physics with Mathematica: A New Kind of Tutorial Book
- Systems Engineering and Architecting: Creating Formal Requirements
- Systems of Symbolic Mathematics: Mathematica 2, Mathematica 3
- Teaching Mathematics Online, Emergent Technologies and Methodologies
- Temperature-Programmed Gas Chromatography
- Tendências Tecnológicas em Computação e Informática
- Teoría de números [para principiantes]: problemas, ejercicios y soluciones con Mathematica©
- The Mathematica Book, Fourth Edition
- The Mathematica Book, Fourth Edition (Chinese)
- The Mathematica Book, Fourth Edition (Japanese translation)
- The Mathematica Book, Third Edition
- The Theoretical Minimum, What You Need to Know to Start Doing Physics
- Theoretische Mechanik in Aufgaben
- Tillämpad matematik med Mathematica
- Toolbox for Mathematics, Mathematica Basic
- Toolbox for the Mathematica Programmers
- Topics in Advanced Scientific Computation
- Topology of Digital Images, Visual Pattern Discovery in Proximity Spaces
- Tsunamis and Hurricanes, A Mathematical Approach
- Tubes, Second Edition
- A Tutorial Introduction to Mathematica
- Tutorials for the Biomedical Sciences: Animations, Simulations, and Calculations Using Mathematica
- Un Paseo por el Jardin de los Fractales
- Una Introducción Elemental a Wolfram Language, Spanish edition
- Understanding Mathematica Quickly
- Understanding Real Analysis
- The Unofficial Guide to Mathematica for High School and College Students
- Usare Mathematica
- Variable Compleja con Mathematica o Maxima
- Virtual Element Methods in Engineering Sciences
- Visual Linear Algebra: with Maple and Mathematica Tutorials
- Visual Quantum Mechanics: Selected Topics with Computer-Generated Animations of Quantum-Mechanical Phenomena
- VisualDSolve, Second Edition
- VisualDSolve, Second Edition
- VisualDSolve: Visualizing Differential Equations with Mathematica
- Visualization and Mathematics III
- Visualizing Quaternions: Series in Interactive 3D Technology
- Voting Theory for Democracy, Using The Economics Pack Applications of Mathematica for Direct Single Seat Elections, Fourth Edition
- What is your model?: A Bayesian tutorial
- Wiener Chaos: Moments, Cumulants and Diagrams
- Wiskunde voor IT
- Wiskunde Voor Multimedia
- Wolfram Mathematica Tutorial Collection: .NET/Link User Guide
- Wolfram Mathematica Tutorial Collection: Advanced Algebra
- Wolfram Mathematica Tutorial Collection: Advanced Numerical Differential Equation Solving in Mathematica
- Wolfram Mathematica Tutorial Collection: Advanced Numerical Integration in Mathematica
- Wolfram Mathematica Tutorial Collection: Advanced String Patterns
- Wolfram Mathematica Tutorial Collection: Constrained Optimization
- Wolfram Mathematica Tutorial Collection: Core Language
- Wolfram Mathematica Tutorial Collection: Data Manipulation
- Wolfram Mathematica Tutorial Collection: DatabaseLink User Guide
- Wolfram Mathematica Tutorial Collection: Differential Equation Solving with DSolve
- Wolfram Mathematica Tutorial Collection: Dynamic Interactivity
- Wolfram Mathematica Tutorial Collection: Graph Drawing
- Wolfram Mathematica Tutorial Collection: Grids, Rows, and Columns in Mathematica
- Wolfram Mathematica Tutorial Collection: J/Link User Guide
- Wolfram Mathematica Tutorial Collection: Mathematics and Algorithms
- Wolfram Mathematica Tutorial Collection: MathLink Development in C
- Wolfram Mathematica Tutorial Collection: Notebooks and Documents
- Wolfram Mathematica Tutorial Collection: Random Number Generation
- Wolfram Mathematica Tutorial Collection: System Administration Guide
- Wolfram Mathematica Tutorial Collection: Systems Interfaces and Deployment
- Wolfram Mathematica Tutorial Collection: Unconstrained Optimization
- Wolfram Mathematica Tutorial Collection: Visualization and Graphics
- Wolfram Mathematica Tutorial Collection: Web Services User Guide
- Working Knowledge, STEM Essentials for the 21st Century
- A Workout in Computational Finance
- Wstep do Mathematica
- Zeta Functions of Graphs, A Stroll through the Garden
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