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Statistics for Science and Engineering

John J. Kinney
Organization: Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
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Publisher: Addison-Wesley
Copyright year: 2002
ISBN: 0201437201
Medium: Hardcover
Pages: 488
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Graphs and Statistics | Random Variables and Probability Distributions | Estimation and Hypothesis Testing | Simple Linear Regression-Summarizing Data with Equations | Multiple Linear Regression | Design of Science and Engineering Experiments | Statistical Process Control

An introduction to the statistical analysis of data that arise from experiments, sample surveys, or other observational studies. The emphasis is on explaining statistical techniques and showing how they are used, not their mathematical origins. The book focuses on topics that are frequently used by scientists and engineers, particularly the topics of regression, design of experiments, and statistical process control. Exercises are largely drawn from applied situations in which scientists and engineers are likely to find themselves. The use of Mathematica and Minitab is integrated throughout the text. Appendices A & B provide instruction and guidance in the use of Mathematica and Minitab.

*Mathematics > Probability and Statistics