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Modern Analytical Electromagnetic Homogenization with Mathematica, Second Edition

Tom G. MacKay
Akhlesh Lakhtakia
Organization: Pennsylvania State University
Department: Engineering Science and Mechanics
Book information

Publisher: IOP Publishing Ltd
Copyright year: 2020
ISBN: 9780750334211
Pages: 204
Out of print?: N
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This book is an overview of state-of-the-art analytical homogenization formalisms used to estimate the effective electromagnetic properties of complex composite materials. Beginning with an introduction to homogenization, the book progresses to cover both constitutive and depolarization dyadics. The homogenization formalisms for linear and non-linear materials are examined, followed by their applications and multiple examples using Mathematica code. This text is a valuable reference for PhD students and researchers working on the electromagnetic theory of complex composite materials.

Key Features
  • Explicit formulas provided for the homogenization of isotropic, anisotropic, and bianisotropic composite materials
  • Numerical data provided for a wide range of representative homogenized composite materials
  • Includes Mathematica codes to enable readers to readily perform their own calculations

*Wolfram Technology > Mathematica