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Statistics with Mathematica

Martha L. Abell
James P. Braselton
John A. Rafter
Book information

Publisher: Academic Press
Copyright year: 1999
ISBN: 0120415542
Medium: Paperback
Includes: CD-ROM
Pages: 632
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Data and File Manipulation with Mathematica | Univariate Methods for Describing Data | Multivariate Methods for Describing Data | Tabular and Graphical Methods for Presenting Data | Data Smoothing and Time Series: An Introduction | Probability and Probability Distributions | Random Number Generation and Simulation | One- and Two-Sample Inferential Procedures | Analysis of Variance and Multiple Comparisons of Means | Diagnostic Procedures and Transformations | Regression and Correlation | Nonparametric Methods

Ideal reference for all Mathematica users performing statistical analyses. Topics correspond to those in a typical, two-semester introduction to statistics, with an emphasis on applications to various fields. Includes a CD-ROM containing all Mathematica inputs from the text and also numerous procedures to extend Mathematica's built-in statistical capabilities.

*Mathematics > Probability and Statistics