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Mastering Mathematica: Programming Methods and Applications, Second Edition

John W. Gray
Book information

Publisher: Academic Press
Copyright year: 1997
ISBN: 0122961056
Medium: Paperback
Includes: CD-ROM
Pages: 629
Out of print?: N
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Part I: Mastering Mathematica as a Symbolic Pocket Calculator:A Quick Trip through Elementary Mathematics | Interacting with Mathematica | More about Numbers and Equations | Built-in Graphics and SoundPart II: Mastering Mathematica as a Programming Language:The Mathematica Language | Functional Programming | Rule-Based Programming| Procedural Programming | Object-Oriented Programming | GraphicsProgramming | Some Finer Points | Polya Pattern Analysis | Object-OrientedGraph Theory | Differentiable Mappings | Critical Points and MinimalSurfaces | Answers

Addresses the use of Mathematica as a symbolic manipulator, a programminglanguage, and a general tool for knowledge representation. Completelyupdated for use with Mathematica Version 3. Focuses on four different typesof programming styles with Mathematica: functional, rewrite (orrule-based), imperative (or procedural), and object-oriented. Includeschapters on graphics and package programming. Accompanying CD-ROM containsthe complete text in notebook format, with the index automatically mergingwith the main Mathematica help system.

*Wolfram Technology > Programming
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