 Computing with Mathematica


Publisher: | Academic Press |
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 Mathematica Basics: An Introduction | Mathematica Basics: Help | Mathematica Basics: Packages | Values, Variables, and Assignments | Functions | Recursive Definitions | List Processing Functions | Iterations with Loops | Computations with Modules and Local Variables | Rules and Options | Packages | Interactive Input, Files, and Protected Functions | Student Projects
 Designed as a junior/senior level mathematics or computer science laboratory course. Teaches students how to use Mathematica to solve problems arising in engineering, physics, statistics, mathematics, and computer science. Begins with an introduction to the basic features of Mathematica and then explores such issues as the assignment of functions, programming, and selected advanced topics. Twelve Mathematica notebooks containing the core of the course materials, in both Version 2 and Version 3 formats, are included on the accompanying CD-ROM.


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