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Differential Equations: An Introduction with Mathematica, Second Edition

Clay C. Ross
Book information

Publisher: Springer Science+Business Media Inc. (New York)
Copyright year: 2004
ISBN: 0387212841
Medium: Hardcover
Pages: 431
Out of print?: N
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About Differential Equations | Linear Algebra | First-Order Differential Equations | Applications of First-Order Equations | Higher-Order Linear Differential Equations | Applications of Second-Order Equations | The Laplace Transform | Higher-Order Differential Equations with Variable Coefficients | Differential Systems: Theory | Differential Systems: Applications | References | Index

This undergraduate introductory differential equations textbook presents a convenient way for professors to integrate symbolic computing into the study of differential equations and linear algebra. Mathematica provides the necessary computational power and is employed from the very beginning of the text. Each new idea is interactively developed using it.

After first learning about the fundamentals of differential equations and linear algebra, the student is immediately given an opportunity to examine each new concept using Mathematica. All ideas are explored using Mathematica, and though the computer eases the computational burden, the student is encouraged to think about what the computations reveal, how they are consistent with the mathematics, what any conclusions mean, and how they may be applied.

This new edition updates the text to Mathematica 5 and offers a more extensive treatment of linear algebra. It has been thoroughly revised and corrected throughout.


*Mathematics > Algebra > Linear Algebra
*Mathematics > Calculus and Analysis > Differential Equations

Differential Equations, Laplace Transform, analytic function, characteristic roots, defective systems, first-order systems, linear algebra
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