 Partial Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems with Mathematica, Second Edition

Organization: | University of New Orleans |
Organization: | University of New Orleans |

Publisher: | Chapman & Hall/CRC |
|  |  |
 Introduction to Mathematica | Introduction | Method of Characteristics | Linear Equations with Constant Coefficients | Orthogonal Expansions | Separation of Variables | Integral Transforms | Green's Functions | Initial and Boundary Value Problems | Weighted Residual Methods | Perturbation Methods | Finite Difference Methods | Appendices | Bibliography
 This revised and updated second edition of the book Partial Differential Equations and Mathematica emphasizes solution methods and includes additional exercises, problems, and topics. The extensive changes make the text more accessible, thorough, and practical. It is suitable for any mathematics curriculum and is designed to meet the needs of mathematics, science, and engineering students. Readers will encounter partial differential equations and initial and boundary value problems in a variety of applications from fields that include continuum mechanics, potential theory, geophysics, physics, biology, and mathematical economics.

