 Atlas for Computing Mathematical Functions: An Illustrated Guide for Practitioners with Programs in FORTRAN 90 and Mathematica


Publisher: | John Wiley & Sons |
|  |  |
 The Atlas of Functions | The Computer Interface | Introduction to the Functions | A Visual Tour of the Atlas | Computing Strategies | Elementary Transcendental Functions | Exponential Integrals and Related Functions | Gamma and Beta Functions | Combinatorial Functions | Number Theory Functions | Probability Distributions | Error Function, Fresnel and Dawson Integrals | Orthogonal Polynomials | Legendre Functions | Spheroidal Wave Functions | Bessel Functions | Struve, Anger, and Weber Functions | Hypergeometric Functions and Coulomb Wave Functions | Elliptic Integrals and Elliptic Functions | Parabolic Cylinder Functions | Miscellaneous Functions for Science and Engineering | The Mathematica Notebooks | The FORTRAN Programs | Appendix
 A comprehensive reference book and software system for mathematicians, physicists, chemists, statisticians, engineers, and computer scientists that provides a consistent approach to visualizing and computing more than 150 special functions of mathematics. Over 700 graphics of functions in the Atlas can be created by readers using annotated Mathematica programs provided on the CD-ROM. Efficient algorithms and programs in FORTRAN produce high-accuracy values for all functions. All programs are provided in printed form and in source form on the CD-ROM that comes packaged with the Atlas.

