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Algebra and Trigonometry

Sheldon Axler
Organization: San Francisco State University
Department: Dean of the College of Science and Engineering
URL: http://www.axler.net/
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Publisher: Wiley (Hoboken, NJ)
Copyright year: 2012
ISBN: 9780470585795
Pages: 754
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The Real Numbers | Combining Algebra and Geometry | Functions and Their Graphs | Polynomial and Rational Functions | Exponents and Logarithms | e and the Natural Logarithm | Trigonometric Functions | Trigonometric Algebra and Geometry | Applications of Trigonometry | Systems of Equations and Inequalities11 Sequences, Series, and Limits

College Algebra and Trigonometry will appeal to those who want to give important topics more in-depth, higher-level coverage. This text offers streamlined approach accompanied with accessible definitions across all chapters to allow for an easy-to-understand read. College Algebra contains prose that is precise, accurate, and easy to read, with straightforward definitions of even the topics that are typically most difficult for readers. Examples throughout this book that depend upon symbolic or graphing calculators use Wolfram|Alpha.

*Education > College
*Mathematics > Algebra

Trigonometry, Symbolic Calculators, Lesser and Greater