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Computer Science with Mathematica: Theory and Practice for Science, Mathematics, and Engineering

Roman Maeder
Organization: Wolfram Research, Inc.
Department: Kernel Technology
Book information

Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Copyright year: 2000
ISBN: 0521631726
Medium: Hardcover
Pages: 389
Out of print?: Y
Additional cataloguing information: Paperback: ISBN 0521663954
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Computers and Science | Mathematica's Programming Language | Iteration and Recursion | Structure of Programs | Abstract Data Types | Algorithms for Searching and Sorting | Complexity of Algorithms | Operations on Vectors and Matrices | List Processing and Recursion | Rule-Based Programming | Functions | Theory of Computation | Databases | Object-Oriented Programming | Appendix A: Further Reading | Appendix B: More Information about Mathematica

A valuable text for introductory course work in computer science for mathematicians, scientists and engineers. This book demonstrates that Mathematica is a powerful tool in the study of algorithms, allowing the behavior of each algorithm to be studied separately. Examples from mathematics, all types of science, and engineering are included, as well as computer science topics. This book is also useful for Mathematica users at all levels.

*Applied Mathematics > Computer Science
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