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Impulziv Jelensegek Modelljei (Models of Impulsive Phenomena: Mathematica Experiments)

Karsai János
Organization: University of Szeged
Department: Department of Medical Informatics
Book information

Publisher: Typotex (Budapest, Hungary)
Copyright year: 2002
ISBN: 9789639326491
Medium: Paperback
Includes: CD-ROM
Pages: 290
Out of print?: N
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If any effect takes places for a very short time or it is interrupted at a certain point, it is called an impulse. Although the scientific bibliography of impulsive systems is quite huge, textbooks are very rare in this subject, because the impulsive systems go beyond the graduate curriculum.

This textbook is divided into three parts. The first part is an introduction into the Mathematica-program for those who want to use this program for their research. The second part describes the impulsive systems, their characteristics and the computer methods needed for their analysis. The third part investigates some practical problems. The book is supported by an electronic attachment which can be downloaded free.

The author is an internationally renowned expert of impulsive differential equations, doctor of mathematics, lecturer at the Information Theory Department of the Albert Szent-Györgyi Medical University.

*Applied Mathematics
*Mathematics > Calculus and Analysis > Differential Equations
