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items are in this category. Listing
2007 Wolfram Technology Conference: All Available Presentation Files
24 Years of Teaching & Research with Mathematica
3D Large-Scale Pollution Modeling with grid
3D Printing
8th International Math Symposium
AbstractAlgebra Rewritten for Version 6
Acceler-8 Session: Probability Distributions
Accelerating Neural Networks Using NVIDIA CUDA Technology
Accessing Wolfram|Alpha from Mathematica
Accurately Resolving Rupture in Fourth Order Partial Differential Equations Modeling Thin Films Using
Adding Your Documentation to
Advanced Graph Computation Workshop
Advanced Typesetting
Aerospace Origami & Fractal Folding
Agent-Based Modeling in the Social Sciences with the Wolfram Programming Language
Analysis and Design of Feedback Control Systems Using Mathematica
Analyze, Visualize, Simulate: Mathematica for University Research
Anisotropic Kepler Problem with Mathematica
Application building with Mathematica
An Application of
to Internal Wave Generation
Application of Interval Arithmetic in Differential Equations Research
Application of Mathematica in Solving Mechanics Problems
Application of Mathematica Software in University Education of Students with Majors in Physics or Optics
Application of the Mathematica Software for Analyzing Large Amounts of Data in Teaching Physics
Application of Wolfram's Mathematica in Subsurface Hydrology
Applications of GPU Computation in Mathematica Workshop
Architecting Algorithms with Mathematica
Arithmetic of Gaussian Integers
The Art and Science of Model Translation
The Assessment of Skin Viscoelastic Data Related to Post-Burn Scarring: Mathematica in Biomedical Research II
Astronomical Image Calibration
Asymptotic Expansions for Moments of Functions of Random Sequences
Attacking NP-Hard Graph Problems
Automated Day Trading using Mathematica
Automatic Formula Discovery in the Wolfram Language
Automatic Parallelism
Automation & Computational Challenges in Image Analysis
Basic and Formula Regions
Bathymetry Discretization & Routing Optimization Using Mathematica
Bayesian Statistics and Econometrics using
Better Programming with Lists
Bifurcation Diagrams Using web
BigData: Demystifying Large Datasets in Mathematica
Bond Graph Modeling for Everybody
Both a Logo and an Exhibit: Mathematica and the Museum of Mathematics Logo Concept
Building HPC Cloud Service Portals: Cloud Mathematica—a Case Study
Building Interactive Textbooks and Documents with Mathematica
Building Smart Applications That Learn Workshop
Built-in Data Collections in Mathematica
Built-in Unit Testing
Business Intelligence with Mathematica and CDF
C# Development Using Mathematica
CalcLink--Bringing the Power of
to OpenOffice Calc Spreadsheets
Calculators Are for Calculating, Mathematica Is for Calculus
Casimir Force Computations in Non-trivial Geometries Using
Catchment Scale 3D Geological Models from Sparse Data Sets
Causality Analysis of Molecular Dynamics Events with Mathematica 7
CDF Development in Mathematica 9
CDF: The Latest Updates and View from the Cloud
Certified Computations with
Chains of Platonic Solids and a Tetrahedral Hoax
Characteristics of Musical Modes in Wolfram
: A Visualization
Characterizing the Neural Response to Electric Shocks Using Discrete-Time Delay Maps
Checking Some Asymptotic Properties of Real and Complex Roots of Random Algebraic Polynomials
Chemical Kinetics in
Cloud Notebooks and Cloud Objects
Cloud Notebooks and Graphics
The Cloud Platform
Cloud Programming
Combining Mathematica with Google Technologies
Commanding the Wolfram Cloud
Comparison of Nonlinear Oscillations of a Magnetic Dipole and an Electric Monopole
Compilable Object Orientation in Objectica
A Comprehensive Data and Analysis Platform for a Global Hedge Fund
Computable Geographic Data
Computation Q&A
Computer Arithmetic Emulation for Rounding-Error Analysis
Computer Assisted Mathematics: Tools and Tactics for Solving Hard Problems
Computer Based Assessment: Exams in the Cloud
Computer Science in Mathematica
Computer Supported Mathematical Theory Exploration: A Shift of Paradigm in Mathematical Software
Computing with Intervals
Connexions--An Open-Access Educational Repository
Constructing Plane Geometry G-Field Inverse Square Law
Construction of Educational Hypermodels
Control Systems in Mathematica 8
Cooking Up
Create Your Own Distribution Workshop
Creating a Well-Crafted Notebook
Creating Accessible Dynamic Content
Creating Android Apps with the Wolfram Language
Creating Effective Visualizations
Crowd-Sourcing Insight from Digital Entities
Crowd-Sourcing Insight from Digital Entities
CUDA & OpenCL Programming in Mathematica for Beginners
CUDA and OpenCL Programming in Mathematica
CUDA in Finance Workshop
Customer Profitability Analysis and Improvement
Customized Exporting of Browser-Readable Content from Mathematica
Data Analysis and Experiment Design using the Graphical User Interface (GUI) Capabilities of
Data Analysis Made Easy
Data Mining for Success in
Data Presentation Using Dials
Data Science: Focus Group
—A New Kind of Modeling
Dataset — Working with Structured Data
Date & Time Visualization
Date and Calendar Functionality
DebugTrace—An Alternative Debugger
Decision Making, Chaos, and Determinism
Delegating Computations to C Code
Demonstrating Random Variation and Natural Selection with
Demonstrations for Organic Chemistry--Conformational Analysis of Linear and Cyclic Alkanes
Deploying CDF Workshop
Developing an Online Linear Algebra Course using Mathematica
Developing and Communicating Effective Process-Control Algorithms for the Clinical Laboratory
Developing and deploying Mathematica solutions
Developing Interactive Courseware
Development of a Constructive Solid Modeling Algorithm
Development of a Quality Control and Analysis Application for the ThermoFluor
High-Throughput Screening Assay
Development of Mathematica Interactive Manipulations for Estimating Groundwater Recharge and Discharge Rates and Spatial Patterns
Development of the Sleidoscope™: A New Kind of Image Display Hardware
Diesel Cycle in Mathematica for Education
Differential Boundary Conditions in Electrodynamics
Differential Geometry Approach to Some Macroeconomic Analysis of Visegrad Countries in Mathematica
Digital Image Processing
Discovering and Using Wolfram Language Kernels
Discrete Calculus
Dynamic Dipole-Dipole Magnetic Interaction and Nonlinear Damped Oscillations
Dynamic Presentation of Geo-temporal Events
Dynamic Theory Explains that Protons + Electrons form Neutron, Deuteron and Alpha Particles
Dynamic Timeline Plots
Educational Experience—First Steps in Mathematica with Option Pricing Background
Educational Materials for Students of Science, Mathematics and Economics
The Effect of Transcription Factor Binding at Enhancers on Gene Expression in Humans
Effective Use of the Mathematica Compiler and Code Generation
Eigenvalues of Elliptical Operators over Arbitrary Regions
Electromagnetic Finite-Difference Time-Domain (FDTD) in Mathematica
Elementary Number Theory Applied to Image Processing
Elliptic Curve Algorithms in
End-to-End Application Development with Wolfram
Engineering Computing Based on Mathematica—Weighted Residual Method and Finite Element Method
Engineering Mechanics with Mathematica in Research and Development
Enhancements in Parallel Computing in
Enterprise CDF for Business Report
Enterprise Computing with Mathematica
Evaluation of the Efficiency of Instructional Design in Online Education: Data Mining of Course Lecture Video Usages by Students
Evolving Boolean Functions
Experiences in 3D Printing
Experimental Mathematics: Mathematica's Role in Obtaining New Results on Projectile Motion
Experimenting in Mathematica with Spread Spectrum Sonar
Expert Panel
Exploiting the Power of Windows inside a Mathematica Application
An Exploratory Model of the Integrated Energy System and Markets using
Exploring and Visualizing with Mathematica
Exploring Properties of Fourier Transform Interactivity
An Expository Proof of Bézout's Theorem
Face Gear Surface Generation with Mathematica
A Fast and Agile Item-Item Recommender: Design and Implementation
Fast Edge Colouring of Graphs
Financial Computation in Mathematica—Part 1
Financial Computation in Mathematica—Part 2
A Financial Model of Medication Wastage Avoidance by Using Genetic Testing
Financial Modeling with Mathematica and QuantLib
Financial Visualization
Finding Cliques
Finite vs. Infinite Problems
Finite-Element Engineering Applications Based on FEMPlayer and
Mathematica Player Pro
A Formal Approach for Modeling and Simulation
From Simple Computer Programs to Complex Systems—Exploring Complexity with Mathematica
From Simple Computer Programs to Complex Systems--Exploring Complexity with
Front End
Fun with Flaps
Future Additions in Typesetting and Interaction
Fuzzy Finance: An Interactive Financial Management System
Game Development with Mathematica
Gauges and Dashboards
Gaussian Hypergeometric Functions in the Uzawa-Lucas Growth Model
Generating Automatic Financial Reports Using the Wolfram
Finance Platform
Geographic Visualizations
Geometrical Geodesy
Getting Started with CDF
Getting the Most from Algebraic Solvers in Mathematica
Give Me Tools, Not Tutorials
Goodwin's Nonlinear Model and Technological Progress
Got Manipulate?
GPS Timing-Code-Based Positioning in Mathematica
GPU-Based Numerical Methods in Mathematica
Graph Editing and Visualization
Graphs & Networks in Mathematica 8
Graphs and Networks 2.0
Grid Computing and Optical Design--Using
GUI-Based Exporting of Customized Browser-Readable Content from Mathematica
Guns, God, and Games: Mathematica 6 in the College Classroom
A Halo Current and Magnetic Field of a Permanent Nut-Shaped Magnet
Hands-on Workshop in Wolfram Finance Platform
Hands-on Workshop: Developing and Deploying Mathematica-Based Solutions
Hands-on Workshop: Graphs and Networks
Heuristic Optimization with
High School and Middle School Mathematica
High School Student Projects with Mathematica
High-Dimensional Cellular Automata for Neural Network Representation
High-Performance and High-Productivity Computing with Mathematica
Higher-Order Analogue of Yoshio Matsuoko's Formula on Basel Problem
The Homotopy Operator: From Integration by Parts to the Computation of Conservation Laws of Nonlinear PDEs in Multiple Dimensions
House Heating, Build your own Virtual Quadricopter, and Drug Discovery with Wolfram SystemModeler and Mathematica
How Does High-Frequency Trading Affect Low-Frequency Trading?
How to Customize Financial Indicators
How to Use Inactive
How We Use
for Online Learning
Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for Heterogeneous Recurrent Neural Networks Construction
Image processing App in Mathematica: Measuring Complex Shaped Metal Nanoparticles in Noisy Micrographs
Image Processing in Mathematica V10
Image Processing in Two and Three Dimensions
Image Processing with Mathematica
Image Processing with Mathematica
Image Processing Workshop
Impact of Slowing Spin on the Trajectory of a Baseball
Implementation of Mathematica into the College Curriculum for Economy & Management Students
Improving Function Definitions with Patterns
Improving Laser Doppler-Aided Diagnostics of Burn Injuries: Mathematica in Biomedical Research I
In-Memory Trees in Mathematica
Inside the
Pattern Matcher
Insurance Justice with Two-Dimensional Underwriting
Integrate Mathematica into Rails, Grails, and More
Integrating C and Mathematica
Integrating git with the Wolfram Language
Integrating Mathematica and the Unity Game Engine: Not Just for Games Anymore
Integrating Mathematica with Twitter: A World of Possibilities
Interactive Geometry
Interactive Information Portal for Algorithmic Mathematics
Interactive Tools for Mathematics Instruction
Interface Programming in Mathematica
Interval Arithmetic and Solvability of Boundary Value Problems
Interval Computations and Differential Equations
Introducing the Drawing Object
An Introduction to
Introduction to
Introduction to Basis Instrument Contracts (BICs) & Sample Application: Baseball World Series & Passport Options
An Introduction to Derivatives, Bonds, and Annuities in Mathematica
Introduction to Image Processing: Solving the Rubik's Cube from Pictures
Introduction to Mathematica--A College Course
Introduction to Probability Theory—Bayesian Inference Illustrated by Pass-Fail Trials
Introduction to Systems Engineering with Wolfram
Introduction to Wolfram Finance Platform
Introduction to Wolfram Mathematica for Teachers
Introductory Graph Computation Workshop
It's Lights Out for Algebra
Jewel or Junk? (Data Balancing and Outlier Detection with
The Joy of Tagging: Manipulating and Mining Notebooks in
Keynote: Mathematica 8 Year in Review
Korea Mathematica User Conference 2011 Presentations
Krugman's Cost Benefit Analysis for Austerity Cuts in Government Spending
Kurzweil Rays
Large-Scale Multi-field, Multi-scale, and Stochastic Finite Element Simulations with AceFEM
Learn Math by Making Math
Lessons Learned from Writing a Precalculus CDF eText
Linear Algebra Speed Comparison
Linear Algebraic Queueing Theory Approach to Reliability
Linguistically Based Patent Networks
Lunch Roundtable: Authoring and Publishing
Lunch Roundtable: Business Intelligence
Lunch Roundtable: Business Start-Ups
Lunch Roundtable: CDF Development
Lunch Roundtable: CUDA and Open CL
Lunch Roundtable: Image and Signal Processing
Lunch Roundtable: Image and Signal Processing
Lunch Roundtable: Mathematica and Wolfram|Alpha for Education
Lunch Roundtable: Mathematica Applications for Developers
Lunch Roundtable: Mathematica Online
Lunch Roundtable: Mathematica-based Solutions
Lunch Roundtable: Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence
Lunch Roundtable: Optics
Lunch Roundtable: Research Data
Lunch Roundtable: Software Systems Development
Lunch Roundtable: Wolfram Community
M@th Desktop
and Learning Tools for Mathematics (LTM): User Interface and Learning Resources for High School Students
Machine Learning
Magic & Cognitive Dissonance: One-Touch Data Modeling
A Magnus Expansion Package
Make Your Visualizations Compelling
Making Math Is a User Interface for Computer-Based Math™
Making Mathematics Fun, Accessible, and Challenging using
Making the Most of Information Visualization Functions
Making the Most of the Visualization Functions
Manipulate Secrets Revealed
Manipulate Secrets Revealed
Manipulate Secrets Revealed: Everything You Never Knew You Didn't Know about Manipulate
Secrets Revealed
Math and Mathematica 9 for Blind Students and Blind Users
Math Illustrated
Mathematica 5...and Beyond
Mathematica across the Curriculum: A Case Study in Use throughout the Mathematics Major
Mathematica and Beyond: The Personal Story
Mathematica and the 10
Row Database
Mathematica Assistance in Proving Theorems in Nonlinear Control
Mathematica Command Line Interface
Mathematica comme outil de capitalisation et du savoir-faire technique de l’entreprise
The Mathematica Compiler
Mathematica Connectivity
Mathematica Development
Mathematica Fast-Time Modeling for Air Traffic Safety
Mathematica for Any Size Class
Mathematica for Brand-Spanking-New Users
Mathematica Graphics for Presenting Multidimensional Evidence
Mathematica Graphics Language and New Features
Mathematica in Business
Mathematica in China
Mathematica in Digital Subtraction Perfusiography of Burn Wounds
Mathematica in Education Workshop
Mathematica in Solving Problems Related to Condensed Matter Physics
Mathematica in Theory and Practice
Mathematica Modeling and Simulation Support for Clinical Trials
Mathematica Online in a Calculus Course
The Mathematica Predictive Interface
A Mathematica Revolution in High School Physics
Mathematica Scripting
Mathematica—A Tool for Improvement of Teaching Mathematics in Schools
Mathematica: The Best Fit for Your Statistics Classroom
6 in the Laboratory
6 in the Wild: Reaching New Audiences with The
Mathematica Player
Family and The Wolfram Demonstrations Project
6: Where Documents Meet Applications
Integration with Mac OS X
Projects by High School Students
Mathematical Imagination in Architecture
MathematicaTrek Game
MathScript Q&A: Mathematica and the New World of Internet Computing
Measuring Discrete Symmetry
Measuring Discrete Symmetry Extended
"Meet-Up": A Discussion on Stylesheets
"Meet-Up": Future Directions for Wolfram in Education
"Meet-Up": Making Academic Research Data Computable
"Meet-Up": Wolfram Community
Mesh Based Regions Workshop
Message Passing and Symmetric Multiprocessing
MHacks Winner: SpeakEasy
Mobile CDF Deployment
Mobile CDF Deployment
Mobile Deployment
Model-Based Control Design using
Control System Professional
Model-Checking Cellular Automata
Modeling and Analysis of 3D Mechanical Systems with
and Mathematica
Modeling Long-Term Care Insurance
Modeling of Metabolic Pathways with
Modeling Public Pensions with Mathematica and Python
Modeling Public Pensions with Mathematica and Python II
Modeling Quasi-quantum Social Processes
Modeling, Analysis, and Synthesis of Nonlinear Control Systems with Mathematica
Multi-Cluster and Traveling Chimera States in Nonlocal Phase-Coupled Oscillators
Multidimensional Convex Polyhedra and Searching for Magic Squares
Musical Melodies with
NetMath Student Projects
Network Flows Planning and Scheduling
A New
Programming Style
A New Application for Data Mining and Analytics
New Authoring Concepts in
The New Built-in Data Collections in
The New Era of Mathematica Technology
New Graphics Features in Mathematica
A New Kind of Engineering Education: An Engineering Curriculum Based on
A New Kind of Learning
A New Systems Identification Package for Mathematica
Nonlinear Control Systems
A Novel Mathematica Approach for Causal Analysis of Molecular Simulations
: Season 3 Highlights
Numerical Approximation of Heat Equations in Bounded Domains in Mathematica
Numerical Integration
Numerical Solution of Differential Equations with Discontinuities
Object-Oriented Design Patterns with Wolfram Language
Object-Oriented Modeling with
Object-Oriented Network Modeling
Offset and Differential Geometry in
On the Distribution of Roots of Random Polynomials on the Complex Plane
One Hundred Famous Problems of Elementary Mathematics and How to Solve (Some of) Them with Geometry Expressions and Mathematica
One-Variable Differential Calculus
Optica 4
Creates CDF Content on the Web for Optics
Optimal Portfolios on (In)Efficient Markets
Optimized Trading Algorithm
Overlapping Tests in CAD Applications
Overview of Machine Learning in the Wolfram Language
Overview of Numerical Computations in Mathematica
Parallel Computation of Stochastic Expansions
Parallel Computing in Mathematica 7
Parallel Computing in Version 6 and Beyond
Parallel Simulation with
Parametric Differential Equations
PDEs and Finite Elements
Pedagogical Physics Simulations
Plane Geometry Description of Mechanical Energy Curves
Plane Geometry: Object-Oriented Modeling with
Plenary Talk (Theodore Gray)
Power Set Unions
Power-Programming with CalcLink and GoogleDocsLink
Preview of
Statistical Inference Package
(SIP) 2.0
Principles for Efficient
Principles of Dynamic Interfaces
Principles of Symbolic Interfaces
Probability & Statistics in Finance
Probability & Statistics in Mathematica 8
Probability and Statistics 2.0
Probability and Statistics in Actuarial Science
Processing and Rendering Volumes
Processing Large Datasets with Mathematica and Kdb+
Processing Large Scale Systems of Equations in Financial Models
Processing Large Scale Systems of Equations in Financial Models
Product Construction: Building Mathematica
Programmatic Report Generation with Mathematica
Progress in Computer Algebra-Based Biological Modeling Languages
Project Sketches
Proving the Riemann Hypothesis Over the Zeros of the Zeta Function
Publication Production and Processing
Publishing with CDF
Pulsed Laser Applications--Oscilloscopic and Spectroscopic Data Processing with Mathematica
Pushing the Envelope: Advanced Strategies in Data Modeling
Quality Engineering with and in Mathematica
Quantile Regression - Theory, Implementations, and Applications
Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment for Drinking Water
Quantity & Units in Mathematica 9
The Quantum Mechanics of Two- and Three-Dimensional Nanostructures
Quantum Mechanics on the GPU
Quantum.Invep 1.0: Introducing a Product for Interactive 3D Visualization and Analysis of Accounting Data
Quasi-Homethetic Preferences in a Two-Person Exchange Economy
Queuing Networks
Rapid Business Modeling with a Java Graphical User Interface
Real Plane Curves - A Numerical Approach via Mathematica
Recurrent Neural Networks Optimization using Continual Evolution Algorithm in
Reducing Barriers-The Data Modeler GUI
Reducing the Driven Dynamics of Spike Generation to a One-Dimensional Map
Relevance of HPC in Today's Challenging Economic Environment
Reliability Analysis
Remote Kernel Strategies
Retrospective Asbestos-Associated Mesothelioma Risk
Review of Prediction and Data Analysis Algorithms
Rhino, Meet Mathematica
Riemann Surfaces 2.0
Risk Measures in Finance
Risk Measures in Finance Revisited
Russian Risk Analysis: Social Science & DataModeler
S01: An Overview of Mathematica for Education
S01: An Overview of Mathematica for Education (Spanish)
S01: Un panorama de Mathematica en la educación
S01: An Overview of Mathematica in Education (Chinese)
S01: Mathematica 在教育领域的应用综述(中文讲座)
S10: A Brief Overview of Mathematica
S10: A Technical Overview of Mathematica (Chinese)
S10: Mathematica: A Technical Overview (Chinese)
S11: What's New in Mathematica 6 (Chinese)
S11: What's New in Mathematica 8
S12: Topics in First Year Calculus
S14: Creating Demonstrations
S17: Applied Parallel Computation with Mathematica
S18: Import and Export Data Formats in Mathematica
S22: Overview of web
S23: Presentations with Mathematica
S24: Working with Imported Data in
S26: Transitioning to Mathematica 6 (from Earlier Versions)
S27: Got Manipulate?
S41: Statistical Visualization with Mathematica
S60: Control Systems in Mathematica
S61: Control Systems Applications
Safer Code
Safety of New Flight Operational Concepts
Savant AI: The Computable Human
Schemes of Analysis for Systems with Different Forms of Aftereffect
Scientific Computing to Your Office and Your Home
Seeing the Light—Using Mathematica 8 for Correlation Spectroscopy
Selecting and Fitting Nonlinear Models to Time Series from Dynamic Systems--Handling the Overfitting Problem with the
Neural Networks
A Selection of Student Projects in Mathematica
Self-Similar Sets with Overlap
Sensitivity of Risk Measures
Separation of Shape and Rate Parameters in Statistical Growth Curve Modeling
Shadowing Chaotic Motion
Share Your
Shared Graphics Tools for Physics Diagrams
ShareYourNoggin: Platform Mathematica
ShareYourNoggin: Platform Mathematica
Sharing Wisdom Gained from Publishing a CDF eBook
Signal Processing
Signal Processing and Its Applications in Audio
Signal Processing--Apply Custom-Designed Filters to One- or Multidimensional Data
Silverlight Animation Using Mathematica
Simplification with Recurrence Relations
Simulating Radiation Chemistry with
Simulation and Measurement of the Time-Varying Casimir Force
Simulation of Dynamic Systems with Engineering Application Using Mathematica
A Single Construction Method of Steiner Triple Systems
The SmartCAE FAB: A Framework for Application Building with Mathematica
Social Complexity and Global Academic Systems
Social Network Analysis
Solution of Extreme Transcendental Differential Equations
Solving Delay Differential Equations: Some Examples from Economic Dynamics
Solving Differential Algebraic Equations Using NDSolve
Solving Elliptical PDEs in Arbitrarily Shaped Regions
Solving Elliptical PDEs with gridMathematica
Solving Equation & Inequalities
Solving Financial Problems with Derivatives, Bonds, and Annuities Workshop
Solving Numeric Differential Equations with Discontinuities
Solving Problems for Nonlinear Control Systems Using webMathematica
Solving Railway Mazes: From Image to Solution
Some Recent Directions in Technical Computing
Sparse Linear Algebra Speed Comparison
Spectral Zeta Functions
Speed and scalability of Mathematica
Speeding Up Mathematica Code
Splines in Mathematica
Sponsor Presentation: Maximize Cluster Performance and Productivity (Mellanox Technologies)
Sponsor Presentation: Real Acceleration for Mathematica (ClearSpeed)
The State of Wolfram Technologies
Statics of Rigid Systems Using
Statistical Analysis of Growth Curves with Mathematica
Statistical Inference from Financial Data with Mathematica
Statistics in Mathematica: A Brief Overview
Stitchcoding and Movie Color Maps
Stochastic Calculus and Applications
Stochastic Process Models in Finance
Strengthening Mathematica through Wolfram|Alpha
Study of Hakiel's Nonlinear Model for Wound Roll Stress Implementations
Supplementing Calculus with Mathematica
Surface Envelopes for Engineering Applications
Survival Analysis with Mathematica
Symbolic and Numeric Geometric Algebra
Symbolic Computations in Finite-Element Formulation
Symbolic Computing
Package and Its Application to Mathematical Physics
Symbolic Geometry
Symbolic Mechanics: Designing a Better Trebuchet and Illustrating Chaos
A System for Analog Filter Design, Realization, and Verification Using Mathematica and
System Modeling and Digital Analysis Ecosystem for SMEs on Amazon EC2
System Modeling and Digital Analysis Ecosystem for SMEs on Amazon EC2
SystemModeler Analysis and Design Workshop
SystemModeler Modeling and Simulation Workshop
Teaching and Authoring with
Teaching and Learning with Mathematica
Teaching Calculus Minus Computation, Plus Understanding
Teaching Mathematics and Using
and the Web
Teaching Partial Differential Equations Using Mathematica
Technology Built for Computer-based Math (CBM)
Term-Rewriting Systems and Categories of Effective Descent
Testing the "No Free Lunch Theorem" for Circle and Sphere Packings with
MathOptimizer Professional
Theorema 2.0: Theorem Proving in Mathematica
Time Series
Time Series in Mathematica
A Tool for Learning Calculus
A Tool for Linear and Nonlinear System Identification
Tools & Tips for Mathematica Authors
Tools and Applications for Data Manipulation and Analysis
Toward a gridMathematica Transformative Tool for Understanding Complexity in Infectious Disease Epidemics
Towards Closed-Form Solutions to the Few-Body Schrödinger Equation
Transcendental Roots
Trustworthy Data Models
Turning Data and Computations into Audio and Animations
Turning Users into Designers: A Formula for Success
Tutorials about Geometric Transformations, Feature Detection, and Color Processing
Two-Dimensional Finite-Volume Solution Method for Material Loss and Heat Transfer in an Aircraft Skid Landing Wheels Up
Typesetting Workshop
Typesetting Workshop
The Universal Intraocular Lens Calculator: A Clinical Application of Mathematica
UnRisk 5 & Mathematica 8—Blazingly Fast and Insightful Risk Analysis
Powered by grid
: Taming the Machine Infernal
Use of
in the Physics Classroom
User Interface Programming: Principles of GUI Construction
User Interfaces Keynote
Uses of Mathematica in the Study of a Mathematical Model for Influenza Medication Strategies
Using "Clickers" with Mathematica's Dynamic Interactivity
6 Graphics Effectively
6 to Inform Political Debate
to Teach Calculus
with Teenagers
Using Computable Documents for Online Mathematics Instruction
Using Mathematica for Education in Physical Sciences
Using Mathematica for Graph Analysis in Genomics Research of Biological Regulatory Networks
Using Mathematica for Simultaneous Instrument Control, Data Archiving, and Analysis
Using Mathematica in a Biomedical Statistics Classroom: Blood Glucose Level Analysis
Using Mathematica in a Scripting Environment
Using Mathematica in Advanced Undergraduate Physics and Astrophysics Instruction and Research
Using Mathematica in the Modeling of Insurance Claims
Using Mathematica to Close the Technical Development Loop
Using Mathematica to Explore the Role of Vegetation-Fire Feedbacks in Structuring Ecological Communities
Using Mathematica to Model Cardiovascular Function
Using Mathematica to Test and Implement a New Algorithm for Inequality and Equality Constrained Optimization Problems
Using Ruby on Rails Models with Mathematica
Using Technology to Enable Personalized Medicine
Using Wolfram|Alpha Pro to Automatically Do Finance
V10 Graphics
Various Properties of ImportString[#,"TeX"]&
Vector Analysis and Tensor Calculus
Visual and Dynamic Learning Techniques for Mathematics
Visual Depth Perception and Mathematica
Visual Thinking for Counting and Categorizing with
Visualization for Fun and Profit
Visualizing Behaviors in Differential Geometries using Mathematica
Visualizing Differential Equations with the
Visualizing U.S. Public Health Data with Mathematica
Walkthrough with Mathematica key technologies
Wave Propagation and Its Applications for High School Students Using Mathematica
Web Computing at University of West Bohemia
Web Development in the Wolfram Language
webMathematica in the Gardening Industry
webMathematica Workshop
What is New in Mathematica 3D Graphics
What Is That? Creating User-Friendly Keys to Make Species Identification Easier and Faster
What's New in CDF
What's New in CDF?
What's New in DSolve
What's New in Graphs & Networks
What's New in Mathematica R&D
What's New in Probability & Statistics
What's New in SystemModeler 4
What's New in Visualization
When Four Creases Meet: Technical Tesselations
Why We Die: Simulation of the Evolution of Senescence
Wolfram Cloud App
The Wolfram Community: A New Virtual Home for Users around the Globe
Wolfram Community: The Story So Far
The Wolfram Data Repository: Making Academic Research Data Computable
Wolfram Data Science Platform: Data Science in the Cloud
The Wolfram Demonstrations Project
Wolfram Education Group: Development of a Certified Mathematica Training Program
Wolfram Language at the Heart of Our Robotics Lab
A Wolfram Language Case in Retail
Wolfram Learning System
Wolfram Media: Written a Good Book Lately?
Wolfram SystemModeler: Engineering System Modeling and Simulation
The Wolfram-ian Methodology of Science
Wolfram|Alpha Business Review
Wolfram|Alpha Education Partner Highlights
Wolfram|Alpha in Mathematica
Wolfram|Alpha Update
Wolfram|Alpha: Recalculating Teaching and Learning
Working with Documents on the Wolfram Cloud
Working with NoSQL using Wolfram Language
Working with Professor Ian Stewart, Mathematica, and Touch Press
Workshop: Beyond Quit[]: Master Your Memory in the Wolfram Language
Workshop: Get Help With Your DatabaseLink
Workshop: Interpreter and FormFunction/APIFunction
Workshop: Machine Learning
Workshop: Numerical Computation
Workshop: PDEs and Finite Elements
Workshop: Plot Themes
Workshop: Programming Cloud
Workshop: Symbolic Computation
Workshop: Time Series Modeling
Workshop: Typesetting
Workshop: Using Mathematica's Free-Form and Predictive Interfaces within Your Teaching Materials
Writing Exams using
Yield Curves with
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