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Plasma Physics
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Solid State Physics
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Nuclear and Particle Physics
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items are in this category. Listing
12 loops and triple wrapping in ABJM theory from integrability
Adinkra (in)equivalence from Coxeter group representations: A case study
Affine.m—Mathematica package for computations in representation theory of finite-dimensional and affine Lie algebras
Algorithmic derivation of Dyson-Schwinger equations
Algorithms to evaluate multiple sums for loop computations
All one-loop NMHV gluon amplitudes in N = 1 SYM
Analysis of the Haulage Ropes on Ropeways in Case of Accidental Loads
An analytic approach to sunset diagrams in chiral perturbation theory: Theory and practice
Analytic calculation of the edge components of the angular Fock coefficients
Analytic matrix elements for the two-electron atomic basis with logarithmic terms
An analytical benchmark and a Mathematica program for MD codes: Testing LAMMPS on the 2nd generation Brenner potential
Analytical Derivation of the Fuss Relations for Bicentric Hendecagon and Dodecagon
Angular Fock coefficients: Refinement and further development
anQCD: A Mathematica package for calculations in general analytic QCD models
APart 2: A generalized Mathematica Apart function
Application of the Modified Exponential Function Method to the Cahn-Allen Equation
Approximate Solutions of Schrodinger Equation with Some Diatomic Molecular Interactions Using Nikiforov-Uvarov Method
Aspects of warped AdS3/CFT2 correspondence
Automated simplification of large symbolic expressions
Automatic evaluation of UV and R2 terms for beyond the Standard Model Lagrangians: A proof-of-principle
Automating data acquisition for the Cavendish balance to improve the measurement of G
Automation of the guiding center expansion
Ballistocardiography in the Physics Classroom
BCM-2.0 – The new version of computer code ‘‘Basic Channeling with Mathematica
Benjamin–Feir instability in nonlinear dispersive waves
Bistable transmission of plane waves across two nonlinear delta functions
Book Reviews: "Mathematica in Theoretical Physics" and "Matematika es Mathematica"
Brouwer’s rotating vessel I: stabilization
ClassSTRONG: Classical simulations of strong field processes
Closure of the operator product expansion in the non-unitary bootstrap
Clustering Analysis of Periodic Point Vortices with the L Function
ColorMath—a package for color summed calculations in SU(Nc)
Combined Effects of Thermophoresis and Chemical Reaction on Magnetohydrodynamics Mixed Convection Flow
Computing decay rates for new physics theories with FeynRules and MadGraph 5_aMC@NLO
Computing Maass cusp form on general hyperbolic torus
Computing observables in curved multifield models of inflation | A guide (with code) to the transport method
A concise formula for generalized two-qubit Hilbert–Schmidt separability probabilities
Concurrent Cuba
Correlators for the Wigner–Smith time-delay matrix of chaotic cavities
CrasyDSE: A framework for solving Dyson–Schwinger equations
Critical points and number of master integrals
CUGatesDensity—Quantum circuit analyser extended to density matrices
Dark Soliton Solutions of Klein-Gordon-Zakharov Equation in (1+2) Dimensions
Designing and building a permanent magnet Zeeman slower for calcium atoms using a 3D printer
The Dirichlet problem for the Laplace equation in supershaped annuli
Dissecting deuteron Compton scattering I: The observables with polarised initial states
Double power series method for approximating cosmological perturbations
DsixTools: the standard model effective field theory toolkit
E6Tensors: A Mathematica package for E6 Tensors
Eccentric-orbit extreme-mass-ratio inspiral gravitational wave energy fluxes to 7PN order
Effects of variable friction force on the sliding movement of a block
Efficient computation of Wigner–Eisenbud functions
Eikonal gluon bremsstrahlung at finite Nc beyond two loops
Enhancing Physics Education with Mathematica
Evaluation of the Fundamental Physical Constants in Mathematica
Explicit and spontaneous breaking of SU(3) into its nite subgroups
Explicit exact solutions for (2+1)-dimensional Boiti-Leon-Pempinelli equation
Extended Gaussian quadratures for functions with an end-point singularity of logarithmic type
The extended polar writhe: a tool for open curves mechanics
FAPT: A Mathematica package for calculations in QCD Fractional Analytic Perturbation Theory
FaRe: A Mathematica package for tensor reduction of Feynman integrals
Fast spectral source integration in black hole perturbation calculations
FeynHelpers: Connecting FeynCalc to FIRE and Package-X
Feynman rules for the Standard Model Effective Field Theory in R-gauges
FeynRules 2.0 — A complete toolbox for tree-level phenomenology
FIESTA4: Optimized Feynman integral calculations with GPU support
Finite strain quadrilateral shell using least-squares fit of relative Lagrangian in-plane strains
FIRE4, LiteRed and accompanying tools to solve integration by parts relations
FIRE5: A C++ implementation of Feynman Integral REduction
A Flavor Kit for BSM models
FlexibleSUSY -- A spectrum generator generator for supersymmetric models
FlexibleSUSY—A spectrum generator generator for supersymmetric models
Flux peaking of 7–12 keV deuterons at channeling in TiD2 crystal and enhancement of neutrons yield in d(d,n)3He reaction
FormTracer. A mathematica tracing package using FORM
Four-band Hamiltonian for fast calculations in intermediate-band solar cells
Full 1-loop calculation of BR(B0s ,d → ℓ¯ ℓ) in models beyond the MSSM with SARAH and SPheno
Generating artificial light curves: revisited and updated
Graph-theoretical evaluation of the inelastic propensity rules for molecules with destructive quantum interference
Gravitational collisions and the quark-gluon plasma
GravitinoPack and decays of supersymmetric metastable particles
Group-theoretical search for rows or columns of the lepton mixing matrix
HEPMath 1.4: A mathematica package for semi-automatic computations in high energy physics
High-temperature series expansion for spin-1/2 Heisenberg models
Higher-Order Corrections in QCD Evolution Equations and Tools for Their Calculation
HPL, a Mathematica implementation of the harmonic polylogarithms
HYPERDIRE HYPERgeometric functions DIfferential REduction: Mathematica-based packages for the differential reduction of generalized hypergeometric functions: Horn-type hypergeometric functions of two variables
HYPERDIRE—HYPERgeometric functions DIfferential REduction: Mathematica-based packages for the differential reduction of generalized hypergeometric functions: Lauricella function FC of three variables
HYPERDIRE, HYPERgeometric functions DIfferential REduction: MATHEMATICA-based packages for differential reduction of generalized hypergeometric functions pFp−1, F1, F2, F3, F4
HYPERgeometric functions DIfferential REduction (HYPERDIRE): MATHEMATICA based packages for differential reduction of generalized hypergeometric functions: FD and FS Horn-type hypergeometric functions of three variables
Introducing SummerTime: A package for high-precision computation of sums appearing in DRA1 method
Introduction to Classical Density Functional Theory by Computational Experiment
An iterative HAM approach for nonlinear boundary value problems in a semi-infinite domain
Learning physics with a computer algebra system
Length–area–volume of long bubbles in horizontal slug flow
LieART—A Mathematica application for Lie algebras and representation theory
Linearized Kerr and spinning massive bodies: An electrodynamics analogy
Local integrand representations of all two-loop amplitudes in planar SYM
LOOL: Mathematica package for evaluating leading order one loop functions
ManeParse: A Mathematica reader for Parton Distribution Functions
MassToMI—A Mathematica package for an automatic Mass Insertion expansion
Mathematica and Fortran programs for various analytic QCD couplings
Mathematica and Physics
A Mathematica Importer for CERN ROOT Files
A Mathematica interface to NNPDFs
The Mathematica Package for Calculation of One-Loop Penguins in FCNC Processes
A Mathematica package for calculation of one-loop penguins in FCNC processes
A Mathematica package for calculation of planar channeling radiation spectra of relativistic electrons channeled in a diamond-structure single crystal (quantum approach)
A Mathematica program for the calculation of five-body Moshinsky brackets
Mathematica tools for uncertainty analysis
Mathematica-aided study of Lie algebras and their cohomology--from supergravity to ballbearings and magnetic hydrodynamics
A mathematical method for precisely calculating the radiographic angles of the cup after total hip arthroplasty
Mathematical Model and Solution for Fingering Phenomenon in Double Phase Flow through Homogeneous Porous Media
Matrix Numerov method for solving Schrödinger’s equation
Measuring finite quantum geometries via quasi-coherent states
Measuring the Stokes polarization parameters
MESAFace, a graphical interface to analyze the MESA output
Microscopically-constrained Fock energy density functionals from chiral effective field theory. I. Two-nucleon interactions
A model for incorporating computation without changing the course: An example from middle-division classical mechanics
A model independent approach to inelastic dark matter scattering
mr: A C++ library for the matching and running of the Standard Model parameters
MT: A Mathematica package to compute convolutions
New Class of Magnetized Inhomogeneous Bianchi Type-I Cosmological Model with Variable Magnetic Permeability in Lyra Geometry
New Complex and Hyperbolic Function Solutions to the Generalized Double Combined Sinh-Cosh-Gordon Equation
New developments in FeynCalc 9.0
New insights into Mt. Vesuvius hydrothermal system and its dynamic based on a critical review of seismic tomography and geochemical features
New Physics Contributions to the Muon Anomalous Magnetic Moment: A Numerical Code
The NeXT Computer as Physics Machine
Non-planar Feynman diagrams and Mellin-Barnes representations with AMBRE 3.0
Nonlinear analysis of a 2-DOF piecewise linear aeroelastic system
Numerical Approach to Predicting Thermodynamic Properties of Ternary AlNiPt Alloys
Numerical evaluation of multi-loop integrals for arbitrary kinematics with SecDec 2.0
Numerical simulations to the nonlinear model of interpersonal Relationships with time fractional derivative
On the collinear point L3 in the generalized relativistic R3BP
On the Complex and Hyperbolic Structures for the (2 + 1)-Dimensional Boussinesq Water Equation
On the equilibrium point L1 in the photogravitational oblate relativistic R3BP with application on Sun-planet systems
On the new hyperbolic and trigonometric structures to the simplified MCH and SRLW equations
On the reduction of generalized polylogarithms to Lin and Li2;2 and on the evaluation thereof
ope.math: Operator Product Expansions in Free Field Realizations of Conformal Field Theory
Operator mixing in deformed D1D5 CFT and the OPE on the cover
The operator product expansion between the 16 lowest higher spin currents in theN = 4 superspace
Optimal q-homotopy analysis method for time-space fractional gas dynamics equation
Optimization of smart adhesively bonded single-strap composite joint
Package-X 2.0: A Mathematica package for the analytic calculation of one-loop integrals
Package-X: A Mathematica package for the analytic calculation of one-loop integrals
ParticleRecognition, a Mathematica GUI interface for analysis of complex shaped nanoparticles in micrographs
Perturbative renormalization functions of local operators for staggered fermions with stout improvement
Physical hydrodynamic propulsion model study on creeping viscous flow through a ciliated porous tube
Physics and Mathematica (Part 1)
Physics and Mathematica (Part 2)
POTLIB2Math: A Mathematica interface to the potential energy surface library for chemical systems
Precision tools and models to narrow in on the 750 GeV diphoton resonance
Processing Digital Images and Calculation of Beam Emittance (Pepper-Pot Method for the Krion Source)
PyR@TE Renormalization group equations for general gauge theories
QDENSITY/QCWAVE: A Mathematica quantum computer simulation update
QSWalk: A Mathematica package for quantum stochastic walks on arbitrary graphs
Quantum Phenomena Modeled by Interactions between Many Classical Worlds
Quantum Spectral Curve for a cusped Wilson line in N = 4 SYM
Radiation properties of a uniaxial chiral quadratic inhomogeneous slab under oblique incidence
Rapidity renormalized TMD soft and beam functions at two loops
Recovering position-dependent diffusion from biased molecular dynamics simulations
Regularization of multi-soliton form factors in sine-Gordon model
Relativistic spinless particles in the generalized asymmetric Woods–Saxon potential
Rethinking the way we teach undergraduate physics and engineering with Mathematica
SARAH 3.2: Dirac gauginos, UFO output, and more
SARAH 4: A tool for (not only SUSY) model builders
SecDec-3.0: Numerical evaluation of multi-scale integrals beyond one loop
A Simple Quantum Integro-Differential Solver (SQuIDS)
SLAM, a Mathematica interface for SUSY spectrum generators
Software emulator of nuclear pulse generation with different pulse shapes and pile-up
Some Applications of Computer Algebra to Problems in Theoretical Physics
Spectral decomposition of black-hole perturbations on hyperboloidal slices
SpinorsExtras - Mathematica implementation of massive spinor-helicity formalism
SymbMat: Symbolic computation of quantum transition matrix elements
Symbolic Manipulators Affect Mathematical Mindsets
Testable two-loop radiative neutrino mass model based on an LLQdcQdc effective operator
Thermoelastic Analysis of Functionally Graded Rotating Disks with Variable Thickness Involving Non-Uniform Heat Source
Three-body systems with Coulomb interaction. Bound and quasi-bound S-states
Top-down and bottom-up excursions beyond the Standard Model: The example of left-right symmetries in supersymmetry
Trajectories of rolling marbles on various funnels
Two-loop Higgs mass calculations in supersymmetric models beyond the MSSM with SARAH and SPheno
Two-particle atomic coalescences: Boundary conditions for the Fock coefficient components
Two-point functions of conformal primary operators in N = 1 superconformal theories
Ultra-high-energy cosmic rays from low-luminosity active galactic nuclei
Unbalanced Impedance of the Aperture Coils of Some LHC Main Dipole Magnets
Understanding the Singlet and Triplet States in Magnetic Resonance
Unified Integral Transforms Algorithm for Solving Multidimensional Nonlinear Convection-Diffusion Problems
Unsteady mixed nano-bioconvection flow in a horizontal channel with its upper plate expanding or contracting
Using Fourier series to analyse mass imperfections in vibratory gyroscopes
Variational Description of Gibbs-non-Gibbs Dynamical Transitions for the Curie-Weiss Model
Vectorial Platform for Manipulating the Polarization Mode Train Realized with Jones Vectors in Mathematica
Vectorial Polarization Modes Platform Realized with Jones Vectors in Mathematica
Vectorlike fermions and Higgs effective field theory revisited
Very Forward Calorimetry at the LHC - Recent results from ATLAS
VEST: Abstract vector calculus simplification in Mathematica
Vevacious: a tool for finding the global minima of one-loop effective potentials with many scalars
Weak nonlinear analysis of magneto–convection under magnetic field modulation
xTras: A field-theory inspired xAct package for mathematica
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