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HEPMath 1.4: A mathematica package for semi-automatic computations in high energy physics

Martin Wiebusch
Organization: Durham University
Department: Institute for Particle Physics Phenomenology, Department of Physics
Journal / Anthology

Computer Physics Communications
Year: 2015
Volume: 195
Page range: 172–190

This article introduces the Mathematica package HEPMath which provides a number of utilities and algorithms for High Energy Physics computations in Mathematica. Its functionality is similar to packages like FormCalc or FeynCalc, but it takes a more complete and extensible approach to implementing common High Energy Physics notations in the Mathematica language, in particular those related to tensors and index contractions. It also provides a more flexible method for the generation of numerical code which is based on new features for C code generation in Mathematica. In particular it can automatically generate Python extension modules which make the compiled functions callable from Python, thus eliminating the need to write any code in a low-level language like C or Fortran. It also contains seamless interfaces to LHAPDF, FeynArts, and LoopTools.

*Science > Physics