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: Books
items matched search criteria. Listing items
Financial Hacking: Evaluate Risks, Price Derivatives, Structure Trades, and Build Your Intuition Quickly and Easily
Finite Element Concepts: A Closed-Form Algebraic Development
Finite Form Representations for Meijer G and Fox H Functions: Applied to Multivariate Likelihood Ratio Tests Using Mathematica, MAXIMA and R
A First Course in Mathematical Modeling, Fourth Edition
First Steps in Mathematica
Fizik ve Mühendislikte Wolfram Mathematica
Fizika Su Kompiuteriu
Foundations of Fluid Mechanics with Applications: Problem Solving Using Mathematica
Fourier Transforms Using Mathematica
Fractal Geography
From Curve Fitting to Machine Learning: An Illustrative Guide to Scientific Data Analysis and Computational Intelligence, second edition
From Eurasian Communal Art to Computer Graphics
From Vectors to Tensors
Front-End Vision and Multi-Scale Image Analysis
Front-End Vision and Multi-Scale Image Analysis
Functional Networks with Applications
Functions of a Complex Variable, Series and Operational Calculus: Computer Technologies for Solution of Problems and Examples in Wolfram Mathematica, A Tutorial
Fundamental Finite Element Analysis and Applications: With Mathematica and Matlab Computations
Fundamentals of Cryptology
Fundamentals of Kinematics and Dynamics of Machines and Mechanisms
Fundamentals of Thermophotovoltaic Energy Conversion
Fundamentos de Métodos quantitativos, Aplicados em Administracao, Economia, Contabilidade e Atuaria usando Wolfram|Alpha e Scilab, Foundations of Quantitative Methods in Business Administration, Economics, Accounting and Actuarial Science - using Wolfram|Alpha and Scilab
Fundamentos Para Cálculo usando Wolfram|Alpha e Scilab, Foundations for Calculus - using Wolfram|Alpha and Scilab
Future Math with Mathematica
Galois Theory
Generalized Collocation Methods: Solutions to Nonlinear Problems
Geographical Models with Mathematica
Géographie fractale: fractals auto-similaire et auto-affine
Geometria differencial de curvas y superficies
Geometric Design, An Artful Portfolio of Mathematical Graphics
Geometric Optics: Theory and Design of Astronomical Optical Systems Using Mathematica, second edition
Geometric Optics:Theory and Design of Astronomical Optical Systems Using Mathematica
Geometry and Mathematica System (Russian Edition)
Geometry, Language and Strategy
Geometry, Language and Strategy Vol. 2: The Dynamics of Decision Processes
Geospatial Algebraic Computations, Theory and Applications, Third Edition
Getting Started with Mathematica
Getting Started with Mathematica, Second Edition
Getting Started with Mathematica, Third Edition
Getting Started with Wolfram Language and Mathematica for Raspberry Pi
GIS and Spatial Analysis for the Social Sciences, Coding, Mapping and Modeling
Google It: Total Information Awareness
Graduate Mathematical Physics: With Mathematica Supplements
Grafik mit Mathematica
Graph and Network Theory: An Applied Approach Using Mathematica
1. The Imaginary Made Real: The Art of Michael Trott
2. The Pattern of Beauty: The Art of Igor Bakshee
Graphics with Mathematica: Fractals, Julia Sets, Patterns and Natural Forms
Grassmann Algebra Volume 1: Exploring extended vector algebra with Mathematica
Gravity, a Geometrical Course: Volume 1: Development of the Theory and Basic Physical Applications
Gravity, a Geometrical Course: Volume 2: Black Holes, Cosmology and Introduction to Supergravity
Green's Functions in the Theory of Ordinary Differential Equations
Group Theory in Solid State Physics and Photonics: Problem Solving with Mathematica
Groups and Manifolds: Lectures for Physicists with Examples in Mathematica
Guida a Mathematica
Guide d'initiation à Mathematica 2
Guide to Essential Math, A Review for Physics, Chemistry and Engineering Students, second edition
Guide to Standard Mathematica Packages, Version 2.2
Guide to Wolfram|Alpha for Genealogy and Family History Research
A Guidebook to Calculus with Mathematica
A Guided Tour of Differential Equations Using Computer Technology
Haiduke Sarafian's Collective Articles 2020–2023
Handbook of Linear Partial Differential Equations for Engineers and Scientists, Second Edition
Handbook of Mathematics, Sixth Edition
Handbook of Smart Energy Systems
Hands-on Start to Wolfram Mathematica and Programming with the Wolfram Language
Hands-On Start to Wolfram Mathematica and Programming with the Wolfram Language, Chinese Language
Hands-On Start to Wolfram Mathematica and Programming with the Wolfram Language, Korean Language
Hands-on Start to Wolfram Mathematica and Programming with the Wolfram Language, Second Edition
Hands-On Start to Wolfram Mathematica and Programming with the Wolfram Language, Second Edition Japanese Language
Hands-on Start to Wolfram Mathematica and Programming with the Wolfram Language, Third Edition
Hands-on Start to Wolfram|Alpha Notebook Edition
Hello!! Wolfram|Alpha®
High School Mathematics as Revealed by Mathematica
Höhere Mathematik mit Mathematica, Band 1: Grundlagen, Lineare Algebra
Höhere Mathematik mit Mathematica, Band 2: Analysis
Höhere Mathematik mit Mathematica, Band 3: Differentialgleichungen und Numerik
Höhere Mathematik mit Mathematica, Band 4: Funktionentheorie, Fourier- und Laplacetransformationen
How to Fold It: The Mathematics of Linkages, Origami, and Polyhedra
Hybrid Imaging and Visualization: Employing Machine Learning with Mathematica - Python
Idea Makers: Personal Perspectives on the Lives & Ideas of Some Notable People
Illustrated Mathematics: Visualization of Mathematical Objects with Mathematica
Illustrating Evolutionary Computation with Mathematica
Illustrating Finance Policy with Mathematica
Illustrierte Mathematik: Visualisierung von mathematischen Gegenständen
Implementing Discrete Mathematics: Combinatorics and Graph Theory with Mathematica
Implementing Discrete Mathematics: Combinatorics and Graph Theory with Mathematica (Japanese translation)
Impulziv Jelensegek Modelljei (Models of Impulsive Phenomena: Mathematica Experiments)
Income Support Benefits Law (augmented edition)
Informatik für Mathematiker und Naturwissenschaftler: Eine Einführung mit Mathematica
Information Processing Volume I: Boolean Algebra, Classical Logic, Cellular Automata, and Probability Manipulations
Information Processing Volume II: The Maximum Entropy Principle
Information Processing Volume III: An Introduction to Information Geometry
Innføring i Mathematica
Innovation in Mathematics: Proceedings of the Second International Mathematica Symposium
The Ins and Outs of Mathematica
Intelligent Routines: Solving Mathematical Analysis with Matlab, Mathcad, Mathematica and Maple
Interactive Calculus
Interactive Computational Geometry, A Taxonomic Approach
Interactive Multivariable Calculus
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