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items are in this category. Listing
An 8-week Brain MRI Follow-up Analysis of Rat Eosinophilic Meningitis Caused by Angiostrongylus cantonensis Infection
ALASKA: A Mathematica Package for Two-State Kinetic Analysis of Protein Folding Reactions
Analytical method for calculation of deviations from intended dosages during multi‑infusion
Animal Guts as Ideal Chemical Reactors: Maximizing Absorption Rates
Ascitic Fluid Albumin and Water Flows in Patients with Alcoholic Cirrhosis: Effects of Peritoneovenous Shunting
Asymptotic Number of Hairpins of Saturated RNA Secondary Structures
Bayesian Estimation and Testing of Gene Frequencies
The Biased Reputation Model of DNA Gel Electrophoresis: A User Guide for Constant Field Mobilities
BIOESTIM: Software for Automatic Design of Estimators in Bioprocess Engineering
Bounded Population Growth: A Curve Fitting Lesson
CerioShell: A Computer Program Designed to Simulate Variation in Shell Form
A Cladistic Analysis of Phenotype Associations with Haplotypes Inferred from Restriction Endonuclease Mapping and DNA Sequence Data. III. Cladogram Estimation
A Computational Approach to Developing Mathematical Models of Polyploid Meiosis
Computational methods for the analysis of swimming biomechanics
A computer algebra system approach in gene expression analysis
A computer tool for a minimax criterion in binary response and heteroscedastic simple linear regression models
Continuous-Time Models of Host-Parasitoid Interactions
Derivation of Single-locus Relationship Coefficients Conditional on Marker Information
Describing the Spread of Biological Populations Using Stochastic Compartmental Models with Births
Discrete-Time Event History Analysis Using Segmented Hazards
Dose Optimization of Proton and Heavy Ion Therapy Using Generalized Sampled Pattern Matching
Dynamic simulation of the human red blood cell metabolic network
Dynamics and Species Interactions in the Commercial Fishery of the Red Lakes, Minnesota
Dynamics of Genetic Variability in Two-Locus Models of Stabilizing Selection
Dynamics of the Calcium Subsystem in Cardiac Purkinje fibers
Efficient Strategies for Calculating Blockwise Likelihoods Under the Coalescent
Erratum to "Simple Calculation of the Velocity Profiles for Pulsatile Flow in a Blood Vessel Using Mathematica"
Estimating the Historic Probability of Stand-Replacement Fire Using the Age-Class Distribution of Undisturbed Forest
Estimating the Time Course of the Excitatory Synaptic Conductance in Neocortical Pyramidal Cells Using a Novel Voltage Jump Method
Evidence of red cell alignment in the magnetic field of an NMR spectrometer based on the diffusion tensor of water
Excursions in Programming: Forest Fires and Reforestation
Excursions in Programming: Predator-Prey Ecosystems
Finite Element Formulations Applied to Outer Ear Modeling
Fractals for Multicyclic Synthesis Conditions of Biopolymers: Examples of Oligonucleotide Synthesis Measured by High-Performance Capillary Electrophoresis and Ion-Exchange High-Performance Liquid Chromatography
Gain, Noise, and Contrast Sensitivity of Linear Visual Neurons
Genetic and Statistical Analyses of Strong Selection on Polygenetic Traits: What, Me Normal?
Genetic L-system programming: breeding and evolving artificial flowers with Mathematica
Graphics Gallery: Conchyallometry
Human Oocyte Vitrification: The permeability of metaphase II oocytes to water and ethylene glycol and the appliance toward vitrification
Illusory Contours and Linear Neurons
The Impact of BioCalc on Life Sciences Undergraduates at UIUC
Individual gene cluster statistics in noisy maps
Influences of slip and Cu-blood nanofluid in a physiological study of cilia
Interaction of Lipophilic Ions with the Plasma Membrane of Mammalian Cells Studied by Electrototation
An Interactive Algorithm for the Calculation of the Radiological Consequences of a Nuclear Accident in Europe
Linking Myometrial Physiology to Intrauterine Pressure; How Tissue-Level Contractions Create Uterine Contractions of Labor
Lognormal Distributions for Skin Area as a Function of Body Weight
Lognormal Distributions for Total Water Intake and Tap Water Intake by Pregnant and Lactating Women in the United States
Masking of Mutations and the Evolution of Sex
Mathematica Packages for Simulation of Experimental Genetics
Mathematica program:Its use to simulate metabolic irreversible pathways and inhibition of the first enzyme of a pathway by its end product as visualized with the reservoir model
MathSBML: a package for manipulating SBML-based biological models
MathSource Reviews: Coclea dell'Orecchio Interno
Maxillo-Facial Frame: Finite Element Shapes
A Maximum Likelihood Algorithm for Genome Mapping of Cytogenetic Loci from Meiotic Configuration Data
Methods for Modeling Brassinosteroid-Mediated Signaling in Plant Development
Minimal output sets for identifiability
A Model for End-Stopping in the Visual Cortex
Modeling multi-mutation and drug resistance: analysis of some case studies
Modeling reaction noise with a desired accuracy by using the X level approach reaction noise estimator(XARNES) method
Modeling Trees with a Stochastic Matrix
Neural network optimized with evolutionary computing technique for solving the 2-dimensional Bratu problem
On the MVK Stochastic Carcinogenesis Model with Erlang Distributed Cell Life Lengths
Optimization of maca (Lepidium meyenii) glucosinolates extraction by genetic algorithms and response surface
Parametric-Equation Representative of Biconcave Erythrocytes
Peristaltic propulsion of generalized Burgers’ fluids through a non-uniform porous medium: A study of chyme dynamics through the diseased intestine
The Power of Two Experimental Designs for Detecting Linkage Between a Marker Locus and a Locus Affecting a Quantitative Character in a Segregating Population
Probability distributions for multimeric systems
Programming Tips: Clam Demography
Psychophysica: Mathematica Notebooks for Psychophysical Experiments
Radical-Initiated Lipid Peroxidation in Low Density Lipoproteins: Insights Obtained from Kinetic Modeling
Rate Constants and the Variation of Random Concentration Curves in a 2-Compartment System
rdml: A Mathematica package for parsing and importing Real‑Time qPCR data
A refined hemispheric model of normal human aortic valve and root geometry
Revisiting the Effect Compartment Through Timing Errors in Drug Administration
Simple Calculation of the Velocity Profiles for Pulsatile Flow in a Blood Vessel Using Mathematica
Simulating Evolution with Mathematica
Synchronization of regional contractions of human labor; direct effects of region size and tissue excitability
A system for computerized tomography for applications in plasma physics
The Tau of Continuous Feeding on Simple Foods
The Theoretical Basis for the Determination of Optical Pathlengths in Tissue: Temporal and Frequency Analysis
Timely identification of optimal control strategies for emerging infectious diseases
Transient Responses to Spatial Perturbations in Advective Systems
Tricks of the Trade
Unidirectional Interaction Between Two Intracellular Calcium Stores in Rat Phaeochromocytoma (PC12) Cells
A unified formula for light-adapted pupil size
Use of Binding Site Neighbor-Effect Parameters to Evaluate the Interactions between Adjacent Ligands on a Linear Lattice
The Use of cone Beam computed Tomography in Assessing the Insertion of Bone conduction hearing Implants
Use of Mathematica software for theoretical analysis of linear sweep voltammograms
Using Mathematics to Understand HIV Immune Dynamics
A Visualization Tool for Representing Epidemic Spread
Visualizing Gene Expression Patterns: A Computational Approach with CAS Software
Vulnerability of northern prairie wetlands to climate change
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