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1.562 Gb/s phase-encrypted secure communication
3D key-group method for slope stability analysis
A 99 line code for discretized Michell truss optimization written in Mathematica
An algorithm for optimizing CVBEM and BEM nodal point locations
An algorithm for the classification of 3-dimensional complex Leibniz algebras
Algorithmic derivation of functional renormalization group equations and Dyson–Schwinger equations
All tree-level amplitudes in massless QCD
An Alternative Explicit Model Expression Equivalent to the Integrated Michaelis-Menten Equation and Its Application to Nonlinear Saturation Pharmacokinetics
Analysis of the multistrain asymmetric SI model for arbitrary strain diversity
Analytical and Numerical Models of Postbuckling of Orthotropic Symmetric Plates
Analytical fitting model for rough-surface BRDF
Analytical formulation and evaluation for free vibration of naturally curved and twisted beams
AutoDipole – Automated generation of dipole subtraction terms
Automated symbolic calculations in nonequilibrium thermodynamics
Automatic calculation of supersymmetric renormalization group equations and loop corrections
Bifurcation of limit cycles at the equator
Bifurcation of limit cycles at the equator for a class of polynomial differential system
Bifurcation of limit cycles for a class of cubic polynomial system having a nilpotent singular point
Calibrating artificial neural networks by global optimization
The center conditions and bifurcation of limit cycles at the infinity for a cubic polynomial system
Center conditions and bifurcation of limit cycles at three-order nilpotent critical point in a cubic Lyapunov system
Clustered Chimera States in Delay-Coupled Oscillator Systems
The Cole–Hopf transformation and improved tanh–coth method applied to new integrable system (KdV6)
A collocation CVBEM using program Mathematica
A Compact Program Code for Simulations of Quantum Algorithms in Classical Computers
The competition between the crack kinking away from the interface and crack propagation along the interface in elastic bicrystals
Computation of generalized inverses by using the LDL∗ decomposition
Computational uncertainty and the application of a high-performance multiple precision scheme to obtaining the correct reference solution of Lorenz equations
Computing generalized inverses using LU factorization of matrix product
Computing integrals over polynomially defined regions and their boundaries in 2 and 3 dimensions
Computing SL(2, C) central functions with spin networks
The concepts of general position and a second main theorem for non-linear divisorsy
Constructing a space from the geodesic equations
Constructing higher-order methods for obtaining the multiple roots of nonlinear equations
Construction of Nonlocal Linear Vibration Models Using a Computer Algebra System
Convenient analytic recurrence algorithms for the Adomian polynomials
Correcting Four Test Statistics for One-Parameter Distributions Using Mathematica
CplexA: a Mathematica package to study macromolecular-assembly control of gene expression
Critical behaviour in a three-step reaction kinetics model
A Cross-Sectional Study Evaluating Chemiluminescence and Autoflorescence in the Detection of Clinically Innocuous Precancerous and Cancerous Oral Lesions
Cyclic coordinate descent in hydrothermal nonsmooth problems
Desenvolvimento de software de analise grafica para planos de radioprotecao, Software Development of Graphical Analaysis to Radioprotection Plans
Design, test, and calibration of an electrostatic beam position monitor
Determining the Domain of Attraction of Hybrid Non-Linear Systems Using Maximal Lyapunov Functions
A Developed New Algorithm for Evaluating Adomian Polynomials
Differential Enhancement of Breast Cancer Cell Motility and Metastasis by Helical and Kinase Domain Mutations of Class IA Phosphoinositide 3-Kinase
Dimensional Factors and Non-Linear Processes in Structure-Dynamic Approach of Nanoionics
Direct methanol fuel cells: A database-driven design procedure
Dot Pattern Designing on Light Guide Plate of Backlight Module by the Method of Molecular Potential Energy
Dynamic Moisture Absorption Behavior of Polyester-Cotton Fabric and Mathematical Model
An easy-to-compute factorization of rational generalized positive functions
Effective field theory calculation of conservative binary dynamics at third post-Newtonian order
Effective partitioning method for computing generalized inverses and their gradients
The effects of low ambient temperatures on optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) processes: Relevance to OSL dating of martian sediments
An efficient algorithm for the multivariable Adomian polynomials
Efficient Multirate EMQF Digital Filters
An efficient quantum circuit analyser on qubits and qudits
Elastic–plastic stress analysis in a long functionally graded solid cylinder with fixed ends subjected to uniform heat generation
Energy Expressions and Free Vibration Analysis of a Rotating Uniform Timoshenko Beam Featuring Bending–torsion Coupling
epiModel: A system to build automatically systems of differential equations of compartmental type-epidemiological models
Equilibrium charge density on a thin curved wire
Eventual periodicity of forced oscillations of the Korteweg-de Vries type equation
Evolution of Dark Energy Perturbations in Scalar-Tensor Cosmologies
Exact and explicit solutions to the (3 +1)-dimensional Jimbo–Miwa equation via the Exp-function method
Experimental and Numerical Investigation of the Equilibrium Geometry of Liquid Lenses
Explicit exact solutions for (2+1)-dimensional Boiti-Leon-Pempinelli equation
Exploring Process Capability with Mathematica
The Fedosov ∗-product in Mathematica
FeynArts model file for MSSM transition counterterms from DREG to DRED
FIESTA 2: Parallelizeable multiloop numerical calculations
Flat matching
Flexural–torsional buckling loads for spatially coupled stability analysis of thin-walled composite columns
Formulation and Evaluation of an Analytical Study for Cylindrical Helical Springs
Free vibration analysis of cylindrical helical springs with non-circular cross-sections
Free vibration of elastically restrained cantilever tapered beams with concentrated viscous damping and mass
From superpotential to model files for FeynArts and CalcHep/CompHep
Further oscillation criteria for partial difference equations with variable coefficients
Gene Cluster Statistics with Gene Families
Generating and using truly random quantum states in Mathematica
Haar wavelet collocation method for the numerical solution of boundary layer fluid flow problems
Heisenberg superalgebras
The high-energy physicist’s guide to MathLink
Highly excited rovibrational states of HNC
HolT Hunter: Software for Identifying and Characterizing Low-Strain DNA Holliday Triangles
Hybrid fuzzy sliding mode control for motorised space tether spin-up when coupled with axial and torsional oscillation
Hybrid fuzzy sliding mode control for motorised space tether spin-up when coupled with axial and torsional oscillation
Images of a vibrating Kochdrum
The implementation of an automated method for solution term-tracking as a basis for symbolic computational dynamics
Implementation of Mathematica for Development and Application of EOS Models. I: Derivation of the Expressions for Hard-Chain and Hard-Sphere Compressibility Factors
Implementation of Mathematica for Development and Application of EOS Models. II: Derivation of the Generalized Expression for the Fugacity Coefficients of Compounds in a Mixture
Incorporating Fuzziness in Spatial Susceptible-Infected Epidemic Models
The Invar tensor package: Differential invariants of Riemann
Inversion of Degree n + 2
The isomorphism classes of the generalized Petersen graphs
Kinetics of a catalyzed semi-batch ethoxylation of nonylphenol
L1Packv2: A Mathematica package for minimizing an l1-penalized functional
Lambda: A Mathematica package for operator product expansions in vertex algebras
Lattice path approach for busy period density of GIa/Gb/1 queues using C2 Coxian distributions
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