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items are in this category. Listing items
Light-load efficiency increase in high-frequency integrated DC–DC converters by parallel dynamic width controlling
Linear and nonlinear rheology of polymer/layered silicate nanocomposites
Linear homotopy solution of nonlinear systems of equations in geodesy
The Manning–Rosen potential studied by a new approximate scheme to the centrifugal term
A mathematica code to produce phase maps from two element maps
Mathematica: Introductory Examples Related to Ramanujan, Part 1
Mathematica: Introductory Examples Related to Ramanujan, Part 2
MathLTWA: Multiple lapse time window analysis using Wolfram Mathematica 7
MathQCDSR: A Mathematica package for QCD sum rules calculations
A Maxwell–Schrödinger solver for quantum optical few-level systems
Measurement of nonlinear refractive index of Ag and Au nano-particles using moiré technique
Measurements of the solubility of sulphur dioxide in water for the sulphur family of thermochemical cyclese
Microtubule assembly-derived by dimerization of TPPP/p25. Evaluation of thermodynamic parameters for multiple equilibrium system from ITC data
Minimal condition number for positive definite Hankel matrices using semidefinite programming
Mixed function method for obtaining exact solution of nonlinear differential-difference equations and coupled NDDEs
Model of the Compressing Process of a One- and Two-Side Fastened Connector of a 3D Distance Knitted Fabric
Modeling of Mitochondria Bioenergetics Using a Composable Chemiosmotic Energy Transduction Rate Law: Theory and Experimental Validation
Modified Adomian Decomposition Method and computer implementation for solving singular boundary value problems arising in various physical problems
Modified variational iteration method (non-homogeneous initial value problem)
Modular simulation and thermodynamic analysis of absorption heat pumps
More on the distribution of the sum of uniform random variables
Multiple stochastic integrals with Mathematica
Natural vacuum alignment from group theory: the minimal case
Near infrared emission spectrum of H13CN
A new closed-form solution to the forward displacement analysis of a 5–5 in-parallel platform
New recurrence algorithms for the nonclassic Adomian polynomials
Non-Newtonian fluid flow induced by peristaltic waves in a curved channel
A novel finite element model for vibration analysis of rotating tapered Timoshenko beam of equal strength
Nucleon spin-polarisabilities from polarisation observables in low-energy deuteron Compton scattering
Numeric and symbolic evaluation of the pfaffian of general skew-symmetric matrices
Numerical Analysis of Heat Transfer Characteristics in Microwave Heating of Magnetic Dielectrics
Numerical evaluation of tensor Feynman integrals in Euclidean kinematics
Numerical simulation and development of data inversion in borehole ultrasonic imaging
Numerical simulation of NQR/NMR: Applications in quantum computing
On Mathematica Program for "Poor Man's Integrator" Implementing Risch-Norman Algorithm
On modified Runge–Kutta trees and methods
On numerical computation of integrals with integrands of the form f.x/sin.w=xr / on [0, 1]
On Teaching Finite Element Method in Plasticity With Mathematica
On the computation of the inverse of a two-variable polynomial matrix by interpolation
On the Effects of Tunable Parameters of Model Predictive Control on the Locations of Closed-Loop Eigenvalues
On the simulation of continuous in scale universal multifractals,part I: Spatially continuous processes
On the simulation of continuous in scale universal multifractals,Part II: Space–time processes and finite size corrections
Optimal Designs of the Multivariate Synthetic Chart for Monitoring the Process Mean Vector Based on Median Run Length
An optimization problem in deregulated electricity markets solved with the nonsmooth maximum principle
Optimizing an analytical dose calculation algorithm for fast 2D calculations
Optimum control strategy for all-variable speed chiller plant
Panel flutter analysis of plate element based on the absolute nodal coordinate formulation
Perturbative renormalization factors and O(a2) corrections for lattice four-fermion operators with improved fermion/gluon actions
Phenotypic and Genetic Analysis of a Large Family With Migraine-Associated Vertigo
Physicochemical Properties of the Dispersion of Titanium Dioxide in Organic Media by Using Zetametry Technique
Polymolecular Layer Adsorption Model and Mathematical Simulation of Moisture Adsorption of Fabrics
Prediction and analytical description of the single laser track geometry in direct laser fabrication from process parameters and energy balance reasoning
The Product Operator Formalism: A Physical and Graphical Interpretation
Propagation of harmonic plane waves under thermoelasticity with dual-phase-lags
Pulse sequence editing by symbolic calculation
QCWAVE – A Mathematica quantum computer simulation update
Radioactive point source localization in one,two,and three dimensions within a bulky medium
Random generation of RNA secondary structures according to native distributions
Real time boundary element node location optimization
Recurrence relation approach for expansion and connection coefficients in series of classical discrete orthogonal polynomials
A recursive method to calculate UV-divergent parts at one-loop level in dimensional regularization
Recursive properties of Dirac and metriplectic Dirac brackets with applications
Region of Variability for Exponentially Convex Univalent Functions
Relativistic Electron Radiation Spectra at Axial Channeling in Crystals
The Reliability of Difference Scores in Populations and Samples
Reply to ‘‘Comments on ‘A one-step optimal homotopy analysis method for nonlinear differential equations”’
The Robin problem for the Laplace equation in a three-dimensional starlike domain
Rogers-Ramanujan computer searches
S-states of helium-like ions
S@M, a mathematica implementation of the spinor-helicity formalism
SecDec: A general program for sector decomposition
Second-order collision-induced light scattering: a spherical tensor approach
Semi-analytical solution of path-independent nonlinear finite element models
Shape sensitivity analysis and design studies for CAD flume sections
Simulating multivariate g-and-h distributions
Slip effects on MHD mixed convection stagnation point flow of a micropolar fluid towards a shrinking vertical sheet
SNEG – Mathematica package for symbolic calculations with second-quantization-operator expressions
A Software Tool to Model Genetic Regulatory Networks. Applications to the Modeling of Threshold Phenomena and of Spatial Patterning in Drosophila
Some Algorithms for Calculating Unitary Matrices for Quantum Circuits
Some new uses of the ηm(Z) functions
Some oscillation and nonoscillation criteria for neutral delay difference equations with positive and negative coefficients
Special sextics with a quadruple line
Spectral Fields in Anisotropic Planar Multilayer Structures
Sphere Packings I
Stability and Sensitivity of Certain Computational Methods: A Symbolic-Numeric Treatment with Mathematica
Static analysis of tapered FRP transmission poles using finite element method
Strongdeco: Expansion of analytical, strongly correlated quantum states into a many-body basis
A superspace module for the FeynRules package
A symbolic algorithm for computing recursion operators of nonlinear partial differential equations
A symbolic algorithm for solving linear two-point boundary value problems by modified Picard technique
Symbolic computation of A (2) T,S-inverses using QDR factorization
Symbolic computation of the Hartree–Fock energy from a chiral EFT three-nucleon interaction at N2LO
Symbolic implementation of interior point method for linear programming problem
Symbolic integration of a product of two spherical Bessel functions with an additional exponential and polynomial factor
Symbolic–Numerical Analysis of Equilibrium Solutions in a Restricted FourBody Problem
Symbolic-numeric cooperation in an open science project
Theoretical Model of the Engineering of Metal Surfaces by Microplazmaspark Alloying with the Alternative Intensity of the Mechanical Impact
Theta-function Solutions to the (2+1)-Dimensional Breaking Soliton Equation
Three-dimensional strain analysis using Mathematica
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