| README (2.3 KB) - Author's notes |
| circlepack.txt (3.8 KB) - Plain-text version of circlepack.man |
| cpintro.txt (3.1 KB) - Plain-text version of cpintro.man |
| triangulation.txt (3.2 KB) - Plain-text version of triangulation.man |
| CirclePack.m (11.6 KB) - Package to calculate circle packings |
| DrawPacking.m (4.2 KB) - Package containing functions to draw a packing |
| Orthogonalize.m (2.5 KB) - Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization functions |
| README-2 (151 B) - Additional MathSource notes |
| Sphere.m (2.6 KB) - Draw fake spheres in 3D graphics |
| Spherical.m (1.7 KB) - Spherical geometry used for drawing 3D spherical packings |
| Triangulation.m (5.2 KB) - Package to support triangulations |
| circlepack.man (3.6 KB) - Manual page for the above |
| cpexamples.m (1.3 KB) - Example triangulations on which to try the package |
| cpintro.man (2.8 KB) - General introductory manual page |
| demo.nb (307.6 KB) - Mathematica demo notebook |
| triangulation.man (3.1 KB) - Manual page for the above |
 Files specific to Mathematica 2.2 version:
| demo.ma (130.3 KB) - Mathematica demo notebook |