CPINTRO(1) Mathematica package CPINTRO(1) NAME cpintro - introduction to CirclePack.m and DrawPacking.m DESCRIPTION (If you have a NeXT workstation have a look at the notebook "demo.ma" first.) The first few lines of Triangulation.m, CirclePack.m and DrawPacking.m will tell you what these files contain over and above what is mentioned below. Start Mathematica, then type "< {0.5, 1, 0, ... }" in the "CirclePack[]" invocation. This says that the circles at each end of the edge labelled 1 should cross at angle Pi/3. In general the table should contain as many entries as the nerve has uniquely numbered edges. The i'th entry gives the Cosine of the required intersection angle at the i'th edge. (The default is "Table[1., {ne[genus2]}]".) Other examples in "cpexamples.m" include an octahedron (oct), an icosahedron (icos) and a torus cut into 4 trian- gles (torus). With "oct" and "icos" there are two possible ways to display the packing. You can either look at it stereographically projected to the plane or look at it in 3D. (Both pictures unfortunately tend to be a bit confusing and may take a moment to sort out.) AUTHOR Contact: Oliver Goodman, (oag@geom.umn.edu) if you have any comments or suggestions regarding this package. SEE ALSO Triangulation, CirclePack