This file describes the Mathematica Package "CirclePack". PURPOSE: To compute and display circle packings. Given a triangulation of a closed orientable surface it computes the corresponding circle packing. It will do this in whichever geometry is appropriate depending on the genus of the surface and can compute packings with specified overlaps as well as the special case in which all circles are tangential. REQUIREMENTS: Mathematica version 2. Next or Mac Notebook interface requred to read the demo notebook. USAGE: If you have already installed the hyperbolic geometry package "Hyperbolic" then the simplest way to use the package is to run Mathematica in this directory. If "Hyperbolic" is not installed on your system you must first add the absolute path name of the "Hyperbolic" directory (distributed with this package) to Mathematica's $Path variable (eg. by typing PrependTo[$Path, "../Hyperbolic1.0"]). Plain text versions of the manual pages are in cpintro.txt, circlepack.txt and triangluation.txt. INSTALLATION: Copy all ".m" files to your Mathematica local Packages directory. Put the "" file somewhere readily accessible to all users and edit the man page "" to contain a pointer to this file. If you wish to install the manual pages then change the file extension to the appropriate section number and copy into the unix manpage tree. FILES: This package consists of the following files: README - This file DrawPacking.m - Package containing functions to draw a packing cpexamples.m - Example triangulations on which to try the package - A demo in the form of a notebook (for the NeXT) CirclePack.m - Package to calculate circle packings - Manual page for the above Triangulation.m - Package to support triangulations - Manual page for the above - General introductory manual page Spherical.m - Spherical geometry used for drawing 3D spherical packings Sphere.m - Draw fake spheres in 3D graphics Orthogonalize.m - Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization functions - The hyperbolic geometry package "Hyperbolic" is also included with the distribution. Send correspondence to Oliver Goodman, University of Minnesota, by email:, or at: The Geometry Center, Suite 500, 1300 South 2nd St, Minneapolis, MN55454.