 Dynamical Systems with Applications using Mathematica

Organization: | Manchester Metropolitan University |
Department: | Department of Computing and Mathematics |

Publisher: | Birkhäuser (Boston) |
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 A Tutorial Introduction to Mathematica | Differential Equations | Planar Systems | Interacting Species | Limit Cycles | Hamiltonian Systems, Lyapunov Functions, and Stability | Bifurcation Theory | Three-Dimensional Autonomous Systems and Chaos | Poincaré Maps and Nonautonomous Systems in the Plane | Local and Global Bifurcations | The Second Part of Hilbert's Sixteenth Problem | Linear Discrete Dynamical Systems | Nonlinear Discrete Dynamical Systems | Complex Iterative Maps | Electromagnetic Waves and Optical Resonators | Fractals and Multifractals | Chaos Control and Synchronization | Neural Networks | Examination-Type Questions | Solutions to Exercises | References | Mathematica Program Index
 This Mathematica book provides an introduction to dynamical systems theory, treating both continuous and discrete dynamical systems from basic theory to recently published research material. It includes approximately 400 illustrations, over 400 examples from a broad range of disciplines, and exercises with solutions, as well as an introductory Mathematica tutorial and numerous simple Mathematica programs throughout the text. The volume is intended for senior undergraduate and graduate students as well as working scientists in applied mathematics, the natural sciences, and engineering. The attached notebook has been updated for Mathematica 10.

 dynamical systems, differential equations, chemical kinetics, electric circuits, existence and uniqueness theorem, planar systems, manifolds, linearization, phase plane diagrams, predator-prey models, perturbation methods, Hamiltonian systems, Lyapunov functions, nonlinear systems, Rossler System, Lorenz equations, Belousov-Zhabotinski Reaction, Poincare Maps, nonautonomous systems, bifurcations, Melnikov integrals, limit cycles, Liénard Systems, Leslie model, havesting and culling, tent map, logistic map, Gaussian map, Hénon map, Feigenbaum number, Julia set, Mandelbrot set, periodic orbits, stability, bistability, instability, fractals, multifractals, Hopfield network, chaos, chaos synchronization, neurodynamics, neural networks, Mathematica 10


| Contents.pdf (32.5 KB) - Table of contents | | Preface.pdf (47.9 KB) - Preface | | housing.txt (47.9 KB) - Text file | | Lynch_DSAM.nb (375.3 KB) - Mathematica Notebook |
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