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Quantum Physics
items are in this category. Listing items
1/N Expansion and Spin Correlations in Constrained Wave Functions
Algebraic Reduction of Feynman Diagrams to Scalar Integrals: A Mathematica Implementation of LERG-I
An Algorithmic Approach to Operator Product Expansions, W-Algebras and W-Strings
Analytical Density-Dependent Representations of Hartree-Fock Atomic Potentials
Analytical Evaluation of Higher-Order Binding Corrections to the Lamb Shift
Analytical Results for the Neutralization Integral in LEIS
Animation of Classical and Quantum Mechanical Motions of a Charged Particle in a Paul Trap
Application of Quantum Mechanical Perturbation Theory to Molecular Vibrational-Rotational Analysis
Applying Mathematica to the Analytical Solution of the Nonlinear Heisenberg Operator Equations
Automatic Construction of Explicit R Matrices for the One-Parameter Families of Irreducible Typical Highest Weight (0m | alpha nu) Representations of Uq[gl(m|n)]
Automatic loop calculations with FeynArts, FormCalc, and LoopTools
Benchmark Values for Two-Center Coulomb Integrals over Slater-Type Orbitals
Book Review: Quantum Mechanics with Mathematica
Boole-Bell-type inequalities in Mathematica
Bounds on Schrödinger Energies: An Illustration of the Application of Mathematica 3.0
The Calculation of the Two-Loop Spin Splitting Functions Pij^(1) (x)
Canonically Relativistic Quantum Mechanics: Representations of the Unitary Semidirect Heisenberg Group, U(1,3) xs H(1,3)
Cluster state preparation using gates operating at arbitrary success probabilities
Color-Octet Quarkonia Production
Color-Octet Quarkonia Production II
The Column Vector Calculus for Thermo Field Dynamics of Relativistic Quantum Fields
Combining Symbolic and Numerical Computing in the Multi-Band-Phonon-Projection Model
The Complete Structure of the Nonlinear W4 and W5 Algebras from the Quantum Miura Transformation
Computer transformations in non-commutative algebra of the n-body quantum system symmetry
Contributions to the Binding, Two-Loop Correction to the Lamb Shift
Correlation Induced Magnetic Symmetry Breaking
Coulomb Interaction and Transport in Tunnel Junctions and Quantum Dots
CP Methods for the Schrödinger Equation Revisited
CrasyDSE: A framework for solving Dyson–Schwinger equations
Deep-Inelastic Spin and Flavor Asymmetry of the Nucleon From a QCD-Inspired Quark Model
Detection of Double-Quantum Coherences in a Spin-5/2 System Excited by Spin-Lock Sequences
Dirac Strings and the Nonperturbative Photon Propagator in Compact QED
Discrete and Continuous Quantum Mechanics, Exactly Solvable Models (Lessons in Quantum Intuition, Part II)
The discrete quantum pendulum
Dynamics of an Electron Wave Packet in a Quantum Dot Subjected to Magnetic Fields
Dynamics of Self-Trapping in the Discrete Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation
Editor's Pick: Quantum Computation
Effective Hamiltonians for Delta S=1 and Delta B=1 Non-leptonic Decays Beyond the Leading Logarithmic Approximation
Eigenvalues to arbitrary precision for one-dimensional Schrödinger equations by the shooting method using integer arithmetic
Einstein Equation with Quantum Corrections Reduced to Second Order
Electron-Wave-Function Calculation in the Continuous Part of the Spectrum: The Case of Slowly Varying Potential Asymptotics
Electronic Structure Calculation for N-Electron Quantum Dots
Electronic Wave Propagation With Mathematica
Erratum to Algebraic Reduction of Feynman Diagrams to Scalar Integrals: A Mathematica Implementation of LERG-1
Evaluating Real Time Finite Temperature Feynman Amplitudes
Evaluating Sums Over the Matsubara Frequencies
Exact Bound States for the Symmetric Screened Coulomb Potential V_a,lambda(r)=a/r-a/(r-lambda)
Exact solutions of the Schrödinger equation with irregular singularity
Exploring One-Dimensional Quantum Mechanics with Transfer Matrices
Fast Assembly of the Coulomb Matrix: A Quantum Chemical Tree Code
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