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Quantum Physics
items are in this category. Listing items
Feyn Calc--Computer Algebraic Calculation of Feynman Amplitudes
Feynman Kernel of an Electron in an Anisotropic Quantum Dot Subjected to Magnetic Fields
FeynmanParameter and Trace--Programs for Expressing Feynman Amplitudes as Integrals over Feynman Parameters
Finite Quantum Chaos
Four Easy Pieces--Explicit R. Matrices from the (Om | alpha) Highest Weight Representations of Uq[gl(m | 1)]
Free energy and plaquette expectation value for gluons on the lattice, in three dimensions
Frequency-Dependent Conductance of Tunnel Junctions
GAMMA: A Mathematica package for performing gamma-matrix algebra and Fierz transformations in arbitrary dimensions
Gell-Mann-Low Equation: Determination of the Fifth-Order Vacuum-Polarization Coefficient b 5
General Method to Solve Hamiltonians with Infinite-Range Interactions
Generalized Derivative Expansion and One-loop Corrections to the Vacuum Energy of Static Background Fields
Generating and Calculating One-loop Feynman Diagrams with FeynArts, FormCalc, and LoopTools
Generating Feynman Diagrams and Amplitudes with FeynArts 3
Gluon Fragmentation into Polarized Charmonium
Graphics Gallery: Spinors and Entanglement
HeatK: A Mathematica Program for Computing Heat Kernel Coefficients
Heavy Quark Potential and Phase Transitions in Continuum Theory at Finite Temperature
Heisenberg XXZ Model and Quantum Galilei Group
Hilbert Space and Structure Constants of Descendant Fields in Two-Dimensional Conformal Theories
HIP: Symbolic High-Energy Physics Calculations
HPL, a Mathematica implementation of the harmonic polylogarithms
Hydrogenic Impurity States in Quantum Dots and Quantum Wires
Improved Line-Broadening Coefficients for Asymmetric Rotor Molecules with Application to Ozone Lines Broadened by Nitrogen
Improved Nonrelativistic QCD for Heavy-Quark Physics
Investigating the Harmonic Oscillator Using Mathematica
Irreducible Decomposition of Products of 10-D Chiral Sigma Matrices
Iterative Supersymmetric Construction of Phase-Equivalent Potentials
Jordan-Brans-Dicke Quantum Wormholes and Coleman's Mechanism
Law of Excluded Quantum Gambling Strategies
Leading order electroweak corrections to the B-B- mixing amplitude
Linear Scaling Computation of the Hartree-Fock Exchange Matrix
Long-Wavelength Polar Optical Modes in GaAs Semiconductor Layered Structures
Low-Intensity Limit of the Laser Cooling of a Multistate Atom
Löwdin Alpha-Function, Overlap Integral, and Computer Algebra
Magnetic Susceptibility of the Strongly Correlated Hubbard Model
Mathematica 3.0 in High Energy Physics: FeynCalc 3.0
A Mathematica Package for Computing Operator Product Expansions
Measurement of Spin-Lattice Relaxation Times and concentrations in Systems with Chemical Exchange Using the One-Pulse Sequence: Breakdown of the Ernst Model for Partial Saturation in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
Method for Renormalization Group Equation Analysis and Its Application
Modern Developments in Hartree-Fock Theory: Fast Methods for Computing the Coulomb Matrix
MSSM Radiative Contributions to the WWg and WWZ Form Factors
The N=2 Super W4 Algebra and Its Associated Generalized Korteweg-de Vries Hierarchies
The N=2 Super-W3 Algebra
A New Method for Approximate Solution of One-Dimensional Schrödinger Equations
New soliton solutions of Davey–Stewartson equation with power-law nonlinearity
A New Teaching Approach to Quantum Mechanical Tunneling
NMR Product-Operator Calculations in Mathematica
Nonlocal Polarizability Density of a Model System: A Homogeneous Electron Gas at T=0
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance of J-Coupled Quadrupolar Nuclei: Use of the tensor Operator Product Basis
Numerical and Symbolic Calculation of the Multipole Matrix Elements in the Axial and Triaxial Harmonic Oscillator Basis
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