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Applied Mathematics
Numerical Methods
Approximation Theory
items are in this category. Listing
Accuracy estimates for computer algebra system initial-value problem (IVP) solvers
Algorithmic Integrability Tests for Nonlinear Differential and Lattice Equations
Analysis of Periodic Oscillations with Computer Algebra
Application of Computer Algebra Systems for Stability Analysis of Difference Schemes on Curvilinear Grids
Application of Mathematica to the Direct Semi-Numerical Solution of Finite Element Problems
Approximate solutions of boundary-value problems using computer algebra software
An asymptotic Filon-type method for infinite range highly oscillatory integrals with exponential kernel
Boundary Modulation with Mathematica
Calculation of Weights in Finite Difference Formulas
Closed-Form Expressions for the Finite Difference Approximations for First and Higher Derivatives Based on Taylor Series
A compendium of FEM integration formulas for symbolic work
Computing generalized inverse of polynomial matrices by interpolation
Computing the Coefficients of a Recurrence Formula for Numerical Integration by Moments and Modified Moments
CP Methods for the Schrödinger Equation Revisited
Crack Edge Element of Three-Dimensional Displacement Discontinuity Method with Boundary Division into Triangular Leaf Elements
Curve fitting using spline sections of different orders
Determining Sample Sizes for Monte Carlo Integration
Discrete Approximation of Linear Functions
Efficient Method for the Calculation of Mean Extinction. III. Approximation or Representation of Particle-Size Distributions by Rational Functions.
Eigenvalues to arbitrary precision for one-dimensional Schrödinger equations by the shooting method using integer arithmetic
Electron-Wave-Function Calculation in the Continuous Part of the Spectrum: The Case of Slowly Varying Potential Asymptotics
Electronic Wave Propagation With Mathematica
Exact distribution of the product and the quotient of two stable Lévy random variables
Explicit Analytical Solution of the Nonlinear Vlasov-Poisson System
A Family of Approximation Formulas and Some Applications
Finding Closed-Form Solutions of Difference Equations by Symbolic Methods
Finite Difference Method by Using Mathematica
Finite elements beyond Courant's triangulation
Fitting Using Finite Monte Carlo Samples
Forward and Inverse Boundary-Value Problem Solver Using Symbolic Computation
The Gauss-Laguerre Quadrature Rule for Finite-Part Integrals
Geodesics on Convex Surfaces for a GTD/UTD Program
Graphic and Numerical Comparison Between Iterative Methods
A Half-Explicit Runge-Kutta Method of Order 5 for Solving Constrained Mechanical Systems
Half-Explicit Runge-Kutta Methods for Differential-Algebraic Systems of Index 2
Higher Order Normal Form and Period Averaging
Hybrid solvers for composition and splitting methods
If Lie Had Known About Mathematica
Integrating Symbolic and Numeric Techniques in Atomic Physics
A least squares method for solving initial-boundary value problems
Mathematica in Action, I: Monotonic Interpolation, Revisited
Mathematica in Action: Check Your Answers... But How?
A Mathematica program for the two-step twelfth-order method with multi-derivative for the numerical solution of a one-dimensional Schrödinger equation
The Mathematica Programmer: Interval Plotting and Global Optimization
The Mathematica Programmer: Interval Plotting and Global Optimization, Part 2
MathSource Reviews: Splines
Matrix Newton Interpolation and Progressive 3D Imaging: PC-Based Computation
A Method for Solving Inverse Boundary-Value Problems Using Symbolic Computation
Métodos Iterativos con Mathematica
Monte Carlo Integration with Mathematica 3.0
Multiparameter Direct Variational Solutions for Linear Dissipative Oscillators
New finite difference formulas for numerical differentiation
A New Numerical Procedure to Determine the VLE Curve
Newton-Raphson Method, Scaling at Fractal Boundaries and Mathematica
Numerical Approaches for Linear Left-invariant Diffusions on SE(2), their Comparison to Exact Solutions, and their Applications in Retinal Imaging
Numerical Computation of Polynomial Zeros by Means of Aberth's Method
Numerous Neat Algorithms for the Voigt Profile Function
On numerical doubly periodic wave solutions of the coupled Drinfeld–Sokolov–Wilson equation by the decomposition method
On numerical soliton solution of the Kaup–Kupershmidt equation and convergence analysis of the decomposition method
On simulating multivariate non-normal distributions from the generalized lambda distribution
Order Stars and Linear Stability Theory
A Practical Approach to Multivariate Interpolation
Precise Numerical Computation
Precise numerical computation
Programming Tips: Bézier Curves
Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods in Option Pricing
Reliability Analysis with Interval Arithmetic
Rigorous Error Analysis of Numerical Algorithms via Symbolic Computations
Shohat-Favard and Chebyshev's methods in d-orthogonality
The Shooting Method Revisited
Shooting the buckled plate
Solution of Nonlinear Problems in Applied Sciences by Generalized Collocation Methods and Mathematica
Solving a Functional Equation
Solving Nonlinear Equations Using Interval Arithmetic
Solving the Equations - uxx - euyy = f(x,y,u) by an O(h^4) Finite Difference Method
Students and Mathematica: Using a Monte Carlo Method for Definite Integration
A Symbolic Computation Procedure for the Generation of Gauss Quadrature Rules with a User-Defined Weight Function
Symbolic Derivation of Finite Difference Approximations for the Three-Dimensional Poisson Equation
Symbolic Derivation of Runge-Kutta Methods
Symbolic vs. Numerical Computation
Tech Support: Visualization of 3D Data and Numerical Integration
Telescoping Fast Multipole Methods Using Chebyshev Economization
Towards a more complete interval arithmetic in Mathematica
Tricks of the Trade
The Use of Mathematica for the Analysis of Strongly Nonlinear Two-degree-of-freedom Systems by Means of the Modified Lindstedt-Poincaré Method
Version 3.0: Numerical Integration and Optimization
Version 3.0: Partial Differential Equations
WBK Approximation for Continuum States with Predefined Asymptotics
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