
Organization: | Institute of Mechanics, ETH |
 The aim of this package is to show a possible implementation of perturbation methods with Mathematica. It can be used to generate educational examples of perturbation exapansions. The methods of straightforward expansions, strained coordinates, and matched and composite solutions are implemented.

 Asymptotic, ODE, Ordinary differential equation, series, perturbation methods, polynomial gauge functions, straight forward expansions, strained coordinates, matched solutions, composite solutions

| Pert-Info.txt (912 B) - Installation instructions | | Pert-Notebook.nb (75.9 KB) - Package in notebook form | | Perturbation.m (21 KB) - Mathematica package |  Files specific to Mathematica 2.2 version:
 | | Pert-Notebook.ma (46.3 KB) - Package in notebook form |
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