| HyperbolicDemo.txt (10 KB) - text-based introductory session |
| README (2.5 KB) - Author's notes |
| hyperbolic.txt (6.6 KB) - text-based copy of hyperbolic.man |
| hypintro.txt (4.5 KB) - plain-text version of hypintro.man |
| COPYING (1.6 KB) - Software license and distribution notice |
| Circle3D.m (2.2 KB) - Handles drawing of circles in 3D |
| Hyperbolic.m (14.5 KB) - The hyperbolic geometry package |
| HyperbolicDemo.nb (34.4 KB) - Mathematica demonstration notebook |
| Minkowski.m (1.3 KB) - Computations in the Minkowski model |
| Normalize.m (976 B) - Function to normalize vectors |
| hyperbolic.man (5.8 KB) - reference manual page |
| hypintro.man (4.1 KB) - introductory manual page |
 Files specific to Mathematica 2.2 version:
| HyperbolicDemo.ma (16.5 KB) - Mathematica demonstration notebook |