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Steady-State Linear Vibrations

John M. Novak
Organization: GX Technology Corporation

This notebook examines the behavior of a coupled two-mass system with damping, using Mathematica. The behavior of the system is examined for different values of the parameters and the conditions for isolation of the first mass are derived.

*Engineering > Mechanical and Structural Engineering
*Science > Physics > Mechanics

Applied Mathematics, Physics, steady state linear vibrations, linear oscillations, spring constant, dashpot, dissipation coefficient, damping, graphics, animations, newtonian mechanics, mechanical engineering, civil engineering
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SteadyStateLinearVib.nb (43.3 KB) - Mathematica Notebook

Files specific to Mathematica 2.2 version:
SteadyStateLinearVib.ma (194.8 KB) - Mathematica Notebook 2.2 or older