Textbooks: Principia Evolvica: Simulierte Evolution mit Mathematica by Jacob (1997) Heidelberg, dpunkt-Verlag (includes a CD with Mathematica notebooks. For more details see http://pages.cpsc.ucalgary.ca/%7ejacob/IEC/ Principia Evolvica by Jacob (1999) San Francisco, CA, Morgan Kaufmann. Course Materials: A suite of laboratory materials accompanies the textbook, including HTML-based tutorials enhanced with Java applets and Mathematica notebooks. Related MathSource Items: Genetic Programming with Mathematica (see "Related Items" below) Related Books: Genetic Algorithms An Introduction to Genetic Algorithms by Mitchell (1996) Cambridge, MA, MIT Press. Genetic Programming Genetic Programming: An Introduction by Banzhaf and Nordin (1997) San Francisco, CA, Morgan Kaufmann. Evolution Strategies Evolutionsstrategie by Rechenberg (1994) Stuttgart, Frommann-Holzboog. Evolutionary Programming Artificial Intelligence through Simulated Evolution by Fogel and Owens New York, John Wiley and Sons. Evolutionary Computation Evolutionary Computation: Towards a New Philosophy of Machine Intelligence by Fogel (1995) New York, IEEE Press. Cellular Automata Cellular Automata and Complexity by Stephen Wolfram (1994) Reading, Addison-Wesley. Lindenmayer Systems The Algorithmic Beauty of Plants by Prusinkiewicz and Lindenmayer (1990) New York, Springer.