 Solving Finite Algebraic Systems Using Numeric Gröbner Bases and Eigenvalues

Organization: | Wolfram Research, Inc. |
 SCI 2000
 Orlando, FL
 Paper and accompanying talk presented at SCI 2000 (July 2000, Orlando, Florida) Abstract: Systems of algebraic equations with finitely many solutions arise in many areas of applied mathematics. Among these are motion planning, robotics, computer-aided design, and graphics. We will discuss the design and implementation of a hybrid symbolic-numeric method, and a Mathematica implementation thereof, that finds all solutions to an algebraic system. It makes use of numeric Gröbner bases and arbitrary-precision numeric eigenvalue computation. We explain in outline how this works, and give a few examples that demonstrate how this can be useful technology independent of Newton's method local solvers.

 algebraic equations, Gröbner basis, eigenvalues, hybrid symbolic-numeric solving

| nsolve_paper.pdf (55.7 KB) - PDF Document | | nsolve_sci2000_talk.pdf (138 KB) - PDF Document | | nsolve_paper.nb (89.7 KB) - Mathematica Notebook | | nsolve_sci2000_talk.nb (28.9 KB) - Mathematica Notebook |
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