 System Stochasticity: Discrete Formulation with Mathematica

Organization: | Columbia University |
Department: | Department of Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics |
 1999 International Mathematica Symposium
 Material and geometrical randomness are depicted by variability of numerical solutions. This second order effect in response cannot be faithfully captured unless the equilibrium equation is exactly satisfied. Hence engineering approximations of system stochasticity demand higher accuracy than their deterministic counter parts. Consequently, the contamination in numerical responses cannot be removed by selecting large Monte Carlo samples. Stochastic shape functions and stochastic Green's functions constitute the bases for finite and boundary elements, respectively. These fundamental solutions need to be modified distinctly for each Monte Carlo representative via symbolic manipulation of the governing algebraic equation. The subsequent closed form analytical integration of the energy density function is illustrated here for a beam problem with geometrical stochasticity after zero shear locking is met in a patch-test.

 stochasticity, discrete formulation, material randomness, geometrical randomness, stochastic shape functions, stochastic Green's functions, finite elements, boundary elements, Monte Carlo, energy density function, shear locking