 Navigating the Data Universe: The Future of Import/Export

Organization: | Wolfram Research |
Department: | Software Technology |
Organization: | Wolfram Research |
Organization: | Wolfram Research, Inc. |
Department: | Release Engineering |
 2004 Wolfram Technology Conference
 Champaign IL
 There are two main ways to transfer data into and out of Mathematica: - MathLink (including J/Link, .NET/Link, Database Access, Web Services)
- File/Stream operations (including Import/Export, Read/Write)
This makes Import/Export a major component allowing Mathematica to interact with the "outside world". Some of the many uses include: - Transferring data to or from other applications.
- Manipulate and process data to generate reports.
- Publishing documents. (HTML, TeX, XML, etc.)
- Generating webMathematica graphics and typesetting.
- Manipulating raster graphics (Digital Image Processing).


| conftalk2004.zip (10.9 MB) - Talk presentation, many file types demoed [for Mathematica 6.0] |