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Exploring Scanning Probe Microscopy with Mathematica, Second Edition

Dror Sarid
Organization: University of Arizona
Department: College of Optical Sciences
Book information

Publisher: Wiley-VCH (Weinheim, Germany)
Copyright year: 2007
ISBN: 9783527406173
Medium: Hardcover
Includes: CD-ROM
Pages: 310
Out of print?: N
Additional cataloguing information: ISBN-10: 3527406174
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Introduction | Uniform Cantilevers | Cantilever Conversion Tables | V-Shaped Cantilevers | Tip-Sample Adhesion | Tip-Sample Force Curve | Free Vibrations | Noncontact Mode | Tapping Mode | Metal-Insulator-Metal Tunneling | Fowler-Nordheim Tunneling | Scanning Tunnel Spectroscopy | Coulomb Blockade | Density of States | Electrostatics | Near-Field Optics | Constriction and Boundary Resistance | Scanning Thermal Conductivity Microscopy | Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy | Raman Scattering in Nanocrystals

This book provides a complete set of educational models describing the physical phenomena associated with scanning tunneling microscopy, atomic force microscopy, and related technologies. It is both a professional reference and an advanced-level text, beginning with basics and moving on to the latest techniques, experiments, and theory.

The second edition features not only an accompanying CD-ROM with Mathematica code for all the examples, but also a new applications section, reflecting the many recent breakthroughs in the field.

*Science > Physics
*Science > Physics > Optics
*Science > Physics > Spectroscopy

microscopy, cantilevers, constriction resistance, boundary resistance, coulomb blockade, electrostatics, tunneling, density of states, near field optics, Raman scattering, free vibrations, Kelvin probe force, scanning thermal conductivity, tapping mode, tip-sample
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