 Exploring Scanning Probe Microscopy with Mathematica, Second Edition

Organization: | University of Arizona |
Department: | College of Optical Sciences |

Publisher: | Wiley-VCH (Weinheim, Germany) |
Additional cataloguing information: | ISBN-10: 3527406174 |
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 Introduction | Uniform Cantilevers | Cantilever Conversion Tables | V-Shaped Cantilevers | Tip-Sample Adhesion | Tip-Sample Force Curve | Free Vibrations | Noncontact Mode | Tapping Mode | Metal-Insulator-Metal Tunneling | Fowler-Nordheim Tunneling | Scanning Tunnel Spectroscopy | Coulomb Blockade | Density of States | Electrostatics | Near-Field Optics | Constriction and Boundary Resistance | Scanning Thermal Conductivity Microscopy | Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy | Raman Scattering in Nanocrystals
 This book provides a complete set of educational models describing the physical phenomena associated with scanning tunneling microscopy, atomic force microscopy, and related technologies. It is both a professional reference and an advanced-level text, beginning with basics and moving on to the latest techniques, experiments, and theory. The second edition features not only an accompanying CD-ROM with Mathematica code for all the examples, but also a new applications section, reflecting the many recent breakthroughs in the field.

 microscopy, cantilevers, constriction resistance, boundary resistance, coulomb blockade, electrostatics, tunneling, density of states, near field optics, Raman scattering, free vibrations, Kelvin probe force, scanning thermal conductivity, tapping mode, tip-sample

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