Mathematica Navigator: Graphics and Methods of Applied Mathematics
Publisher: | Academic Press |
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Getting Started | A Quick Tour | Notebooks, Customizing, and Packages | Data, Memory, and Time | Graphics for 2D Functions | Options for 2D Graphics | Graphics for 3D and 4D Functions | Options for 3D Graphics | Graphics for 2D Data | Graphics for Multdimensional Data | Numbers and Precision | Expressions | Lists and Matrices | Functions | Programming | Differential Calculus | Integral Calculus | Equations | Optimization | Interpolation | Approximation | Differential and Difference Equations | Partial Differential Equations | Probability | Statistics
Useful as a tutorial as well as a handbook. Provides readers with a general introduction to Mathematica, with emphasis on graphics, methods of applied mathematics, and programming. Using the accompanying CD-ROM, the entire book can be added to Mathematica's help system.
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