 Radiation reduction of optical solitons resulting from higher order dispersion terms in the nonlinear Schrodinger equation


 This paper will present the nonlinearity and dispersion effects involved in propagation of optical solitons, which can be understood by using a numerical routine to solve the nonlinear Schrodinger equation (NLSE). Here, Mathematica v5(C) (Wolfram, 2003) is used to explore in depth several features of optical solitons formation and propagation. These numerical routines were implemented through the use of Mathematica v5 and the results give a very clear idea of this interesting and important practical phenomenon. It is hoped that this work will open up an important new approach to the cause. effect. and correction of interference from secondary radiation found in the uses of soliton waves in lasers and in optical fiber telecommunication. It is believed that these results will be of considerable use in any work or research in this field and in self-focusing properties of the soliton (Osman et al., 2004a, 2004b; Hora, 1991). In a previous paper on this topic (Beech & Osman, 2004), it was shown that solitons of NLSE radiate. This paper goes on from there to show that these radiations only occur in solitons derived from cubic, or odd-numbered higher orders of NLSE, and that there are no such radiations from solitons of quadratic, or even-numbered higher order of NLSE. It is anticipated that this will stimulate research into practical means to control or eliminate such radiations.

 higher order dispersion, higher order of NLSE, Nonlinear Schrodinger equation, soliton radiation, solitons
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