 New Explicit and Exact Travelling Wave Solutions for a Class of Nonlinear Evolution Equations

Organization: | Dalian University of Technology |
Department: | Department of Mathematics |
Organization: | Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, Liaoning, China |
Organization: | Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, Liaoning, China |

Applied Mathematics and Mechanics |
 With the help of Mathematica, many travelling for a class of nonlinear evolution equations u (subscript)u + au(subscript)xx + bu + cu^2 + du^3 = 0 are obtained by using hyperbola function method and WU-elimination method, which include new travelling wave solutions, periodic solutions and kink soliton solutions. Some equations such as Duffing equation, sin-Gordon equation, phi4 and Klein-Gordon equation are particular cases of the evolution equations. The method can also be applied to other nonlinear equations.

 equation, periodic solution, solitary wave solution
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