 Discrete Mathematics

Organization: | University of Technology, Sydney |
Department: | Department of Mathematical Sciences |
Organization: | University of Technology, Sydney |
Department: | Department of Mathematical Sciences |
Organization: | The University of Sydney |
Department: | Theoretical Physics Group, School of Physics |
 This system of notebooks and packages is an innovative contribution to flexible learning, using Mathematica interactively. Unlike previous approaches which have used Mathematica, there is no need for the student to learn Mathematica, a process which may often obscure the mathematics. Our approach renders the Mathematica completely transparent by way of pre-programming, hyperlinks and buttons. The package takes advantage of Mathematica as the computational engine without the student needing to know any Mathematica, making it accessible to beginning university students. We have developed this teaching package in the context of discrete mathematics, but the ideas are applicable to other areas of mathematics.



| ReadMe.txt (5.3 KB) - Instructions for use | | smith.pdf (132 KB) - Paper about Discrete Mathematics (November 1999) | | discretemaths.exe (492 KB) - Windows self-extracting archive (August 2002) |