41 - 50 of 71 for polynomials
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The main content of this package is EigenNDSolve, a function that numerically solves eigenvalue differential equations. EigenNDSolve uses a spectral expansion in Chebyshev ...
NormalOrdering.m normal orders a polynomial in creation and annihilation operators using the commutation relation. In quantum mechanics the ordering of operators is ...
This package provides three kinds of plasma dispersion functions to calculate weakly-relativistic cyclotron resonance. See a paper titled "One-over-polynomial approximation ...
This contribution contains a scientific article and a Mathematica package with numeric as well as symbolic algorithms for the enumeration of substitutional isomers with an ...
The "ccr_car_algebra" package has been written for physicists and/or mathematicians, who would like to save themselves the sometimes tedious work to verify algebraic ...
The purpose of this program is to derive the determining equations for Lie-point symmetries. The determining equations are derived in a form simplified as far as possible. ...
Gröbner bases are special bases of polynomial ideals which are very important in computer algebra. Gröbner bases of toric ideals can be used to perform integer linear ...
Given the coefficients c={c(0),...,c(n-1)} of a (monic) irreducible polynomial of degree n over Z_p, where p is a prime number, this file automatically generates a complete ...
Mathematica Notebook showing why Flush doesn't have the same relative rank when you take out the lowest cards - basically because Flush is the only hand in which the number ...
Rate equations for enzyme-catalyzed reactions may be quite complicated and may involve a number of kinetic parameters. The rapid-equilibrium rate equations for the ...