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This package provides some useful and efficient functions for treating polynomial matrices (i.e. matrices whose entries are univariate polynomials with rational or symbolic ...
The package FindSign.m finds the sign of a polynomial when the domains of variables are real. The Mathematica Notebook AboutFindSign.nb explains the usage.
The efficient expansions by classical orthogonal polynomials is a well known and hard solving problem for applied mathematics. At first sight there is no problem as ...
This package defines functions Zernike[i, r, theta] and Zernike[i, r, theta, e] that give, respectively, the circular and annular Zernike polynomials, as described by Noll ...
This package does Hermite polynomial interpolation, which interpolates a set of function values and a set of first derivative values.
PolyHarm calculates a basic set of polynomial solutions for the iterated Laplace or wave equation using the explicit formula given in the paper: E.P. Miles, Jr. and Ernest ...
Using homotopy continuation methods such as the fixed point and the Newton homotopy methods, one can find all real solutions of a polynomial equation. Two examples are ...
This package includes functions for stability analysis of square numerical matrices and polynomials with numerical coefficients. Specifically, the number of roots z ...
This Mathematica notebook provides many functions that are useful when designing Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) filters. This notebook is limited to Butterworth and ...
Manuscript from 2003, revised 2010 Abstract: Buchberger and Kandri-Rody and Kapur defined a strong Gröbner basis for a polynomial ideal over a Euclidean domain in a way ...