91 - 100 of 635 for mathematica
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Ruby/Mathematica is a library that provides an interface to the MathLink(TM) library. This library has some methods that implement a protocol for sending and receiving ...
TMath provides a reusable C++ interface to control multiple Mathematica processes through the MathLink protocol. Built on top of this C++ interface is an extension to the ...
The associated files contain supplementary examples and exercises to accompany a new book by Steve Lynch, "Dynamical Systems with Applications Using Mathematica," Birkhauser, ...
A eight-part, comprehensive guide to sound production with Mathematica written by a musician, not a mathematician. This is important, since more attention is given to sound ...
We present Mathematica programs to analyze chaotic data. The following topics are considered: - delay time (with the method of average mutual information) - embedding ...
This "Coding Theory" package was developed for course "Error-Correcting Codes with Mathematica" The package consists of two parts: one part with illustrative explanations, ...
This Mathematica notebook was used to introduce Mathematica to a group of business, accountancy and finance academics at Flinders University (South Australia). It gives a ...
'Mathematica/PS metrics' is a font metric suitcase for TeXtures, a Macintosh TeX-system from Bluesky Research. This font metric suitcase is a TeXtures adaptation of the ...
The functions in this package provide an automated way of generating Matlab m-files from Mathematica expressions.
This package demonstrates how Mathematica can implement the concept of inheritance classes in object-oriented programming.