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Democritus University of Thrace Antennas GroupVIRTUAL ANTENNAS by N.I.Yannopoulou and P.E.ZimourtopoulosIrregular Series 3 Volume 1 - January 1999 Annual EditionAn On-Line ...
This is a tool for looking for cocyclic Hadamard matrices over a finite group G for which a homological model hG is known, as described by V.Alvarez, J.A.Armario, M.D.Frau ...
This Mathematica Library is an implementation of the periodic Wavelet Transform based on an integral regular matrix M and its factorization into dilation matrices. ...
Quantum generators which are quadratic in bosonic or fermionic creation and annihilation operators play very important role in quantum physics and quantum field theory ...
This is a Mathematica front end built into Vim, which is a high-end programmer's editor, highly compatible to vi but with lots of additional features. The front end is just ...
This package shows how to compute the sum of some very strange convergent series. The harmonic series 1/1 + 1/2 + 1/3 + ... + 1/n + ... diverges. This means that the sum can ...
This Mathematica notebook supports two papers that were presented at GECCO 2003: Daida, J.M., A.M. Hilss, D.J. Ward, and S.L. Long, “Visualizing Tree Structures in ...
Gröbner bases are special bases of polynomial ideals which are very important in computer algebra. Gröbner bases of toric ideals can be used to perform integer linear ...
ALGHCA.cdf is a package of procedures to create, manipulate, identify, and use small Algebraic Loops, Groups, "Hoops" and Clifford algebras. Hoops are relevant to physics ...
Analog Insydes is a Mathematica application package for modeling, analysis, and design of analog electronic circuits, tailored specifically for industrial applications. Here ...