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This package defines breadth-first, depth-first, hill climbing, and simulated annealing search techniques in the Mathematica programming language. These search techniques ...
The package Summa.m provides a few basic functions that allow the user to handle sums with symbolic, infinite, and numerical endpoints without having Mathematica evaluate ...
Stokesian Dynamics, a method developed by Brady and Bossis in the 80s, simulate the 3D motion of hydrodynamically interacting spheres at low Reynolds numbers. The present ...
This hyperlinked Mathematica 4 document presents a practical guide to error analysis or more properly statistical inference. The intent is to present the equations needed to ...
Some types of expressions can be reorganized in such a way so as to improve, or otherwise optimize, the way in which they evaluate.The package Optimize.m implements a command ...
The Asmus Schmidt algorithm effectively partitions the plane into regions, then subregions, and so on, and in this way, each point is encoded by the sequence of regions to ...
DiffEqs is a collection of fast, robust, and thoroughly tested packages for differential equations. The primary package in DiffEqs is DEGraphics, which provides the ...
Stokesian Dynamics, a method developed by Brady and Bossis in the 80s, simulate the 3D motion of hydrodynamically interacting spheres at low Reynolds numbers. This program ...
Este trabajo presenta una serie de superficies B-spline diseñadas por estudiantes inscritos en el Curso "Introducción al diseño geométrico" que se dicta en la Escuela ...
fNBookForm2[] prints num in Textbook Form with abbreviations in place of exponents (a default). Output is a compressed, dressed form textbooks often use for significant ...