591 - 600 of 635 for mathematica
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The conventions for specifying sequences and levels are documented in sections A.3.5 and A.3.6 respectively in The Mathematica Book. In those sections the documentation ...
OxideEq.m is a Mathematica package that takes two lists of oxide weight percent data for compositions of magnetite-ilmenite pairs. The data is used to calculate the ...
Rewriting systems (RS), have been widely used in contexts in which formulae manipulation plays a prominent role, such as symbolic and functional programming, formal ...
Often it is necessary to define several related functions which accept similar sets of options. It is useful for such related functions to be able to share the default values ...
When analysing quantum systems in Quantum Information Theory it is sometimes necessary to compute the amount of entanglement that exists between two qubits. For example, ...
This is an old manuscript that I abandoned around 2001. There is very little theory, and that small amount (on polynomial factorization) is incomplete. Timings are from ...
FormCalc calculates and simplifies one-loop Feynman diagrams. It reads amplitudes generated with FeynArts (item 1158) and returns the results in a way well suited for further ...
This package contains additional definitions of Analytical Inverse Laplace transforms that cannot be performed using Mathematica 3.0 & earlier versions. Functions that may be ...
This package provides only one function: FT. The function calculates the value of the inverse of a Laplace transform at a specified time point. The Laplace transform should ...
We would like to rise water temperature with a heater. Oulet temperature must be equal to the set point temperature (80°C). Proportional, Proportional-Integral and ...