571 - 580 of 635 for mathematica
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The article "The Fundamental Theorem for Curves in the n-Dimensional Euclidean Space" contains a complete proof of the theorem and the necessary conceptual background. It is ...
In computational geometry, there is a classical problem of partitioning a set of points in a 2D into those enclosed by a polygon and those outside. Currently, the best way is ...
Format.m is a package which extends Mathematica's built-in formatting rules. Examples of the shortcomings of the standard format functions are given, where code generated may ...
Analysis of covariance is used to assess the statistical significance of mean differences among experimental groups with an adjustment made for initial differences on one or ...
SaveToRotaterFormat.m is a package that export Mathematica graphics into a format that can be read by the Mac program Rotater or by the DOS/Windows program rotate.com.Rotater ...
A Mathematica package is presented which provides many commonly used functions in rigid body kinematics. Transformations between the direction cosine matrix, Euler ...
ODETaylorSeries generates the list{y1(x0)+y1'(x0)(x-x0)+y1''(x0)(x-x0)^2/2!+ ..., ..., yn(x0)+yn'(x0)(x-x0)+yn''(x0)(x-x0)^2/2!+ ... } containing the power series expansion ...
The propagation and reflection of arbitrarily shaped pulses on non-dispersive parallel conductors of finite length with user defined cross section is simulated employing the ...
Packages for Mathematica Versions 3 and 4 are provided in (Info3.m) and (Info4.m) respectively. Once the appropriate package is loaded the Options[obj,opt] and (?Aaaa) ...
This package provides only one function: GWR. The function calculates the value of the inverse of a Laplace transform at a specified time point. The Laplace transform should ...