521 - 530 of 635 for mathematica
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This Mathematica Package is a survey of the symplectic group Sp(2n), with an introduction to its properties, programming of its elements, and analysis of given elements. An ...
Making use of symbolic and numeric capabilities of Mathematica, in this notebook we explore the fundamentals of the finite volume method (FVM). This method is largely ...
This is a tool for computing the integral homology groups of iterated products of central extensions, direct and semidirect products of abelian groups. We make use of the ...
A simple experiment such as the batch distillation of an ethanolwater binary mixture can be performed in a 3-h laboratory session using a very rudimentary apparatus ...
1) list of geocentric <> geodetic <> XYZ equations * 2) quick plots using them (3d poly globe) 3) wikipedia article summarizing the above 4) one equation is by author of ...
This package can expand meromorphic functions of argument x^(1/p) with integer p of certain types into their corresponding Laurent-Puiseux series as a sum of expressions of ...
SplineWavelet.m is a Mathematica package in which functions to deal with a sequence of data are defined. Using the compactly supported scaling functions and wavelets besed on ...
A root-solving approach has been designed to solve the two- point nonlinear boundary value problems by the use of all embedded functions in Mathematica. Without attributing ...
Theoretical Evolutionary Ecology (Sinauer, 1994) is a graduate/senior undergraduate level text about models in evolutionary biology. Topics covered include population ...
MmaCalc is a package that provides some sixty functions for the purpose of illustrating many of the important concepts of calculus with animations and graphics, and otherwise ...