41 - 50 of 635 for mathematica
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When designed with simplicity in mind, the Flash-enabled user-interface will not only give a gentle and entertaining introduction to Mathematica, but also will give a ...
This notebook gives an overview of the functionality available for Statistics in Mathematica. The information is presented in the form of a poster with links to functions for ...
Many modern physics problems can be reduced to carrying out calculations, both numerical and symbolical ones. Over the last 16 years, Mathematica has acquired a large body ...
This package adds support for Mathematica CalcCenter notebooks to Mathematica Professional. Notebooks created in Mathematica CalcCenter, which use special Mathematica ...
This is a presentation of the core Genetic Programming routines for use with Mathematica. Previously limited to Lisp, Genetic Programming can now be implemented for a wide ...
A free Mathematica add-on for Dirac Bra-Ket Notation, Quantum Operator and Commutator Algebra and Quantum Computing. Installation instructions and the complete documentation ...
Once you get to appreciate the beauty of a programming language like Mathematica, you want to do everything with it. That includes playing card game (Fitch's card trick), ...
This is a package based on matlab2tikz (http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/22022-matlab2tikz-matlab2tikz) for converting Mathematica figures to tikz code for ...
The IMTEK Mathematica Supplement, or IMS for short is an open source Mathematica add-on and provides a wealth of packages and tutorials from a variety of application areas, ...
The attached notebooks (updated in May 2004) provide documentation on most programming and graphics features in Mathematica, and often show how to do useful things that are a ...