371 - 380 of 635 for mathematica
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This is the legacy standard add-on package Geometry`Polytopes` from Version 5.2, with minimal updates for basic compatibility with 6.0. It does contain obsolescence messages. ...
This is the legacy standard add-on package Utilities`Package` from Version 5.2, with minimal updates for basic compatibility with 6.0. It does contain obsolescence messages. ...
Mathematica tutorial notesWe will show a number of ways in which Differential Evolution, a member of the genetic/evolutionary family of optimization methods, can be used for ...
Pattern analysis in the time series is useful approach for data decomposition and detection of drivers that affect trends, dispersion or curvature. Combination of standard ...
The package "VertexEnumeration" contains Mathematica implementations of Avis-Fukuda algorithms for enumerating all vertices of a convex polytope given by a system of linear ...
The Mathematica package BeamFrequencies calculates natural frequencies of uniform single-span beams in lateral vibration. The module FrequencyEQ derives the characteristic ...
InterCall has undergone a major revision in the past few months. The purpose of this newsletter is to keep users and other interested people up-to-date with the changes and ...
The package HYPQ allows the handling of q-binomial and basic hypergeometric series. It provides tools for manipulating q-factorial expressions, transforming q-binomial sums ...
Uses the FastBinaryFiles package (item 354) to provide fast access to the native binary file format (extension .bwav) of the Igor graphics and data analysis package for ...
GradientColor.m allows users to create gradient color functions which can be used with standard Mathematica plotting functions via the ColorFunction option. The function ...