351 - 360 of 635 for mathematica
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BatchRead is an extension of the Get (or <<) command for executing the Mathematica commands in a batch file. In addition to executing the inputs, it enters them into the ...
The package HYP allows the handling of binomial and hypergeometric series. It provides tools for manipulating factorial expressions, transforming binomial sums into ...
This book is the final version of a course on algorithmic information theory and the epistemology of mathematics and physics. It discusses Einstein and Godel's views on the ...
As a part of the book A New Kind of Science, there are 350 pages of careful notes containing many Mathematica programs. They are available at the site wolframscience.com. ...
Mathematica is used as a tool for representation of equilibrium shapes, gamma-plots, and stiffness of Al-Zn alloys and their solid-liquid interfacial energy. The analysis of ...
The MathSBML package for Mathematica provides facilities for reading models expressed in SBML Level 1, converting them to systems of ordinary differential equations, and ...
ColorMath is an easy-to-use Mathematica package for symbolically performing color summed calculations in SU(N). It is based on advanced pattern matching and uses a syntax ...
An experimental version of a Clifford Algebra package. This package uses an experimental version of the tensor calculus package Tensorial 3.0 that is included with the ...
CirclePack computes and display circle packings. Given a triangulation of a closed orientable surface it computes the corresponding circle packing. It will do this in ...
The Mathematica notebook, ContextFreeGrammar.nb, contains a command AcceptQ that takes a context-free grammar and a string as arguments and determines whether the string is ...