311 - 320 of 635 for mathematica
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It is often useful, especially when using Mathematica for software development, to apply substitutions to complex expressions to reduce their form. For large expressions, ...
HyperAlgebra is a HyperCard Stack that generates random tests from a databank of problems on addition, subtraction, multiplication, and factoring of algebraic expressions. It ...
The NIST Special Publication 800-22 is "A statistical test suite for random and pseduorandom number generators for cryptographic applications." Whew! This package provides a ...
ImagingAnalysis is a Mathematica packages that performs grid-based analysis of time-lapse images. The package creates time series from individual cell-sized grids and ...
GraphicalAnalysis.m is a Mathematica package designed to aid students and researchers in analyzing the dynamics of functions of a single real variable. The two main functions ...
traceUtils.m is a Mathematica package defining the functions tracePrintIndexed and tracePrintStack. traceUExamples.nb is a Mathematica notebook illustrating the features of ...
Mathematica contains all linear algebraic tools necessary for working in Euclidean Geometry. The notebook "Euclidean Geometry" shows these tools and some variations of them ...
IntegerSmithNormalForm.m and PolynomialSmithNormalForm.m provide Mathematica commands to find the Smith normal form of a matrix with entries in the integers or in polynomials ...
A Mathematica notebook capable of doing Finite Element Analysis using a four node, two-dimensional incompatible element. This program reads in nodal coordinates, element ...
This packages is a implemetation of some features of vectorial analysis in Mathematica language, based in the definition of the properties of the unitary vector system of ...